Duwamish Books Data Access Layer API

Robert Coleridge
Microsoft Developer Network

June 1998

Summary: Describes the methods and properties of the Duwamish Books Data Access Layer (DBDAL) COM component for Phase 2. (11 printed pages) For each method and property, provides:

Duwamish Books Phase 2 will ship with both a Microsoft® Visual C++® and a Microsoft Visual Basic® version of this component, named dbvcdal.dll and dbvbdal.dll, respectively.


The DBDAL COM component for Phase 2 contains one class: CDataAccess. This object's methods can be divided into three rough categories. The first manipulates the data source via disconnected client-side recordsets, the second manipulates the data source via connected server-side recordsets, and the third doesn't use recordsets.

The methods in Table 1 manipulate the database via either a SQL statement or a disconnected recordset. These methods are either stateless or state-aware, depending on whether a connection string is passed in to the method. (The one exception is the CacheConnection method, which either creates and caches the connection or closes the previously cached connection.)

If the connection string is supplied, it is used to create a temporary connection to the data source. This connections lasts for the lifetime of the single method invocation. Using this mode allows for the method to be completely stateless.

If a connection is not supplied, the method uses the previously created and cached connection, instead of creating a temporary one. This mode allows you to determine whether to cache a connection and thus speed up access but maintain state information.

All of the methods in Table 1 are used with disconnected, hence client-side, recordsets.

Table 1. Disconnected and/or State-aware Methods

Method Description
CacheConnection Either creates and caches a connection or closes previously cached connection.
ExecQuery Executes a supplied SQL statement.
GetRecordset Executes a supplied query and returns a disconnected client-side recordset.
PutRecordset Reconnects a disconnected recordset and performs an update.

The methods in Table 2 perform transacted changes to a database and, therefore, use server-side recordsets. Due to this restriction, they maintain state information across calls.

Table 2. Connected or State-full Methods

Method Description
BeginTrans Begins a transaction on a connection. If a connection string is not supplied, uses a previously created connection.
CommitTrans Commits a transaction on a connection. If a connection string is supplied, the previously created connection is closed after the commitment.
RollbackTrans Rolls back a transaction on a connection. If a connection string is supplied, the previously created connection is closed after rollback.
OpenTRecordset Creates a server-side connected recordset according to supplied SQL statement.
CloseTRecordset Closes a previously opened server-side recordset.

Table 3 contains the remaining, miscellaneous methods and properties.

Table 3. Miscellaneous Methods and Properties

Method Description
IsInTransaction Returns true if in transaction, otherwise it returns false.
DataComponentsInstalled Returns true if data access components are installed correctly, otherwise it returns false.


The following details the methods and parameters available in the CDataAccess class of the DBDAL component. (The following Visual C++ signatures assume the use of the #import "dbvcdal.dll" statement.)


Both creates and caches a connection to a specified database or data source name (DSN) in order to speed up subsequent data access. If the database or DSN is omitted, empty, or NULL, CacheConnection will close a previously cached connection.

The method takes only one parameter and returns a Boolean flag indicating success or failure.

Visual Basic signature

Public Function CacheConnection (Optional ByVal Connect As String) As Boolean

Visual C++ signature

BOOL CacheConnection (BSTR Connect);


Connect: Contains the connection string, database name, DSN, or other relevant identifiers of the connection. If this parameter is either left out or has a zero length, the cached connection is closed.


   'Some higher scoped location.
   Dim oDBDal as new DBDAL.CDataAccess
   'establish connection

   'process data

   'Break connection.


This method caches the connection in an internal connection object. The other methods use this cached object only if specified. This caching allows you to potentially have two connections available: the cached one and a temporary one. The cached connection is available for the duration of your application or until you close it. The temporary connection is created if you pass a database or DSN into another method. The temporary connection only lasts for the lifetime of the method itself.


Submits any valid SQL statement for processing. The method returns a Boolean value indicating success (true) or failure (false).

Visual Basic signature

Public Function ExecQuery(ByVal Connect As String, _
                          ByVal SQLQuery As String) As Boolean

Visual C++ signature

BOOL ExecQuery(BSTR Connect, BSTR SQLQuery);



Dim oDAL As New dbdal.CDataAccess

'establish connection to data source
oDAL.CacheConnection "Duwamish"

'update inventory information
oDAL.ExecQuery SQLQuery:="Select Price from Stock Update Price = Price * 1.10"
oDAL.ExecQuery SQLQuery:="Select Level from Stock Update Level = 0"


'close cached connection


Returns a disconnected recordset as a result of an SQL query.

Visual Basic signature

Public Function GetRecordset( _
                      ByVal Connect As String, _
                      ByVal SQLQuery As String, _
                      ByRef Recordset As ADODB.Recordset) As Boolean

Visual C++ signature

BOOL GetRecordset(BSTR Connect, BSTR SQLQuery, IDispatch ** Recordset);



Dim oDAL As New dbdal.CDataAccess
Dim oRS As ADODB.Recordset

'get disconnect Recordset
oDAL.GetRecordset "Duwamish", "Select * from Inventory", oRS

'lower prices by 10%
Do While Not oRS.EOF
    oRS.Fields("Price") = oRS.Fields("Price") * 0.9

'put new prices back
oDAL.PutRecordset "Duwamish", oRS


Submits a disconnected recordset to a database for update.

Visual Basic signature

Public Function PutRecordset(ByVal Connect As String, _
                             Recordset As ADODB.Recordset) As Boolean

Visual C++ signature

BOOL PutRecordset(BSTR Connect, IDispatch ** Recordset);



Dim oDAL As New dbdal.CDataAccess
Dim oRS As ADODB.Recordset

'Get disconnect Recordset.
oDAL.GetRecordSet "Duwamish", "Select * from Inventory", oRS

'Lower prices by 10%.
Do While Not oRS.EOF
    oRS.Fields("Price") = oRS.Fields("Price") * 0.9

'Put new prices back.
oDAL.PutRecordset "Duwamish", oRS


It is perfectly acceptable to use GetRecordset to retrieve a recordset from one connection and do a PutRecordset to send the recordset to another connection. However, the rules defining data integrity and compliance must be followed.


Verifies whether the data access components are installed correctly. (At the time of writing, this method checks for the ADO components.)

Visual Basic signature

Public Function DataComponentsInstalled( _
                 Optional ByVal Connect As String) As Boolean

Visual C++ signature

BOOL DataComponentsInstalled(BSTR Connect);


Connect: Contains the connection string, database name, DSN, or other relevant identifiers of the connection.


Private Sub Form_Load ()
Dim oDAL As New dbdal.CDataAccess

If Not oDAL.DataComponentsInstalled() Then
    MsgBox "Install data access components before running this application"
End If


If Connect is supplied, a connection is attempted. If this parameter is not supplied, the function merely tries to instantiate the relevant objects from the data access components. Although supplying a connection string and attempting a physical connection is the most time-consuming, it is also the most effective way to determine if the data components actually work.


Creates a new connection and begins transaction processing on that connection or begins transaction processing on a previously established connection.

Visual Basic signature

Public Function BeginTrans(Optional Connect As String) As Boolean

Visual C++ signature

BOOL BeginTrans(BSTR Connect);


Connect: Contains the connection string, database name, DSN, or other relevant identifiers of the connection.


See the appendix for example code.


If the connection string is not supplied, the method starts another transaction on the previously established connection. If one is supplied, a connection is made to that DSN and the connection is cached for future use.


Commits changes to a data source. Optionally, the connections can be closed after this operation.

Visual Basic signature

Public Function CommitTrans(Optional ByVal KeepOpen As TRANSTYPES = TT_DropConnection) As Boolean

Visual C++ signature

BOOL CommitTrans (TRANSTYPES KeepOpen);


KeepOpen: Specifies the actions to be taken after the transaction is committed. The following are valid options:


See the appendix for example code.


If the string is not supplied, the method merely commits the existing transaction and does not shut down the previously established connection. If a string is supplied, the transaction is committed and the connection is closed.


Rolls back the changes to a data source. Optionally, the connections can be closed after this operation.

Visual Basic signature

Public Function RollbackTrans(Optional ByVal KeepOpen As TRANSTYPES = TT_DropConnection) As Boolean

Visual C++ signature

BOOL RollbackTrans (TRANSTYPES KeepOpen);


KeepOpen: Specifies the actions to be taken after the transaction is committed. The following is a list of valid options:


See the appendix for example code.


If the string is not supplied, the method merely rolls back the existing transaction and does not shut down the previously established connection. If a string is supplied, the transaction is rolled back and the connection is closed.


Obtains a connected server-side recordset from a data source.

Visual Basic signature

Public Function OpenTRecordset(ByVal SQLQuery As String, _
            ByRef Recordset As ADODB.Recordset, _
            Optional ByVal LockType As LOCKTYPES = LT_Optimistic, _
            Optional ByVal Options As OPENTRECORDSETOPTIONS = _
            OO_UseDefault) As Boolean

Visual C++ signature

BOOL OpenTRecordset(BSTR SQLQuery, IDispatch ** Recordset, 
                    LOCKTYPES LockType, OPENTRECORDSETOPTIONS Options);



See the appendix for example code.


Closes a server-side recordset connection from a data source.

Visual Basic signature

Public Function CloseTRecordset(Recordset As ADODB.Recordset) As Boolean

Visual C++ signature

BOOL CloseTRecordset(IDispatch * Recordset);


Recordset: A prepopulated ADO recordset that is sent back to the data source.


See the appendix for example code.


The following property is available in the CDataAccess class of the DBDAL component.


Returns a TRUE after the BeginTrans method has been invoked, and returns FALSE after CommitTrans or RollbackTrans has been invoked.

Visual Basic signature

Public Property Get IsInTransaction() As Boolean

Visual C++ signature

BOOL IsInTransaction();


Sample code for BeginTrans, CommitTrans, RollbackTrans, OpenTRecordset, and CloseTRecordset.

Private Sub Update_Sale(SH As cSalesDetail, SD() As cSaleDetail)
Dim oDAL As New dbdal.CDataAccess
Dim oRS As ADODB.Recordset
Dim lParentPKId As Long
Dim iSale As Integer
    'Begin transactional updates.
    oDAL.BeginTrans "Duwamish"
    'Add sales header (parent) and obtain primary key id.
    oDAL.OpenTRecordset "Sales", oRS, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
    oRS.Fields("Customer") = SH.Customer
    lParentPKId = oRS.Fields("PKId")
    oDAL.CloseTRecordset oRS

    'Create sales detail Recordset (child) and add batch.
    oDAL.OpenTRecordset "SalesDetail", oRS, adLockBatchOptimistic, adCmdTable
    For iSale = 0 To UBound(SD, 1)
        oRS.Fields("ParentFK") = lParentPKId
        oRS.Fields("ISBN") = SD(iSale).ISDN
        oRS.Fields("Qty") = SD(iSale).Qty
    Next iSale

    'Close the new Recordset and commit changes.
    If oDAL.CloseTRecordset(oRS) Then
        oDAL.CommitTrans "Duwamish"
        oDAL.RollbackTrans "Duwamish"
    End If
End Sub