Duwamish Books, Phase 2 Setup and Source Code

Run the setup package to check out the Duwamish Books sample application on your computer. In the program group MSDN Sample - Duwamish Books, Phase 2, click Duwamish Launcher. Left click each button on the Launcher to start that application or right-click the button to view a User Guide or design considerations for the application.

Note   On the Launcher, right-click Log On and select User Guide for a list of user names and passwords that ship with the sample.

Duwamish Books is an unsupported MSDN sample application. Please remember that this is only a sample—Microsoft technical support is not prepared to answer questions about Duwamish Books.

Click to copy the sample setup package and the source code for Phase 2 of Duwamish Books.

d2setup.exe: This self-extracting executable will setup the Duwamish Books sample application.

d2source.exe: This self-extracting executable will build the Duwamish Books sample source-code tree on your hard disk. The compiled sample uses a Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 version of the new data access component, DBDAL (dbvbdal.dll). This download also contains the source code for a Microsoft Visual C++ version of that component (dbvcdal.dll).

Note   To compile the Phase 2 source code, you will need Visual Basic 5.0 Professional or Enterprise Edition and, optionally for the Visual C++ component, Visual C++ Professional or Enterprise Edition.