Installing a Distributed Application

Duwamish Books, Phase 3.5

Steve Kirk
Microsoft Developer Network

Summary: Provides instructions for setting up and distributing Phase 3.5 of the Duwamish Books sample application. (3 printed pages) Discusses system requirements, creating the database, installing the middle-tier components, and setting up the client applications.


In Phase 3.5 of the Duwamish Books sample application, Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) and Microsoft® Transaction Server (MTS) technology enable and control the distribution of components and transactions across multiple computers. The application Setup program simplifies installation and configuration of the application and provides a way to coordinate the system components.

System Requirements

The following are required for running the Duwamish Books, Phase 3.5 sample application and are the only environments on which we tested the application:

Note   You can install the full application (clients, components, and database) on one computer running Windows NT 4.0 (Server or Workstation) with Service Pack 3, MTS 2.0, and SQL Server 6.5.

The Setup Program

The Setup program installs components and copies auxiliary files. Application components include the client applications, a Business Logic Layer (BLL) component, and a Data Access Layer (DAL) component. Auxiliary files include database creation scripts and source code. Setup eliminates the need for (but does not preclude use of) separate configuration tools for ODBC, DCOM, and MTS. This simplifies setting up a basic configuration of the distributed application, while allowing for experimentation.

You can change the configuration of the clients, the BLL component, or the DLL component at any time by reinstalling. You can also use, with appropriate caution, general-purpose configuration tools like the MTS Explorer, dcomcnfg.exe, odbca32.exe, or regedit.exe to make configuration changes.

The Setup program was built by modifying the \PDWizard\Setup1 project that is part of the Visual Basic 6.0 Setup toolkit. MTS configuration is accomplished through the MTS administration APIs.

Creating the Database

The Copy Database Creation Scripts option copies script files to your local drive to create an SQL Server 6.5 database populated with sample data. The resulting database is backwards compatible with the Phase 3 database, although the 3.5 version includes special data and stored procedures that you can use to experiment with transactional control under MTS. For more on setting up the database, see the readme file included with the Duwamish Setup.

Installing the Data Access Layer Component

The Install/Configure DAL Component option installs the DAL component and creates an ODBC data source (Duwamish_Phase3.5) for a given remote server name and database name. If a remote server name is not assigned during Setup, the ODBC data source will expect the database to be local. You can change the ODBC data source layer with odbcad32.exe. Reinstalling the DAL component will overwrite both any existing Duwamish Books, Phase 3.5 ODBC data source and any existing DAL registration.

Installing the Business Logic Layer Component

The Install/Configure BLL Component option sets up the BLL component and optionally configures the system to use DAL services of a remote server.

Installing the Client Applications

The Install/Configure Client Applications option sets up the client applications and optionally configures the system to use BLL services of a remote server.

Copying the Source Code

The Copy Source Code option copies the complete source code for the project onto your local drive in a structured directory.