Nate Woods and Chris Bova
Summit Software Company
December 1999
Summary: Provides a brief description of the example projects included with Duwamish Books, Phase 3.5: VBA. (3 printed pages)
This article highlights two Microsoft® Visual Basic® for Applications (VBA) projects that demonstrate customization possibilities for Duwamish Books, Phase 3.5: VBA. The first example project, Order.vba, shows a customization that extends the order process business logic, in this case restricting a buyer's purchasing power. The second example project, Buyer.vba, implements a performance points scheme in VBA.
These example projects can be loaded into the Modifier by running the Modifier client, choosing either the Buyer or Order Modification option button, showing the VBA integrated development environment (IDE), and importing the project.
Order.vba is a VBA project used to customize the Business Logic Layer (BLL)'s InsertOrder method, limiting orders fitting the following criteria:
Private Sub MyApplication_InsertOrderStart(Cancel As Boolean)
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
' Non-administrators have limited ordering power
If (MyApplication.Order.EmployeeAlias <> "ADMIN") Then
If (MyApplication.Order.TotalPrice > 1000) Then
MyApplication.RaiseError -1, _
"Order Process", _
"Non-Administrators may not place orders of value " & _
"greater than $1,000"
End If
If (MyApplication.Order.TotalBooks > 100) Then
MyApplication.RaiseError -1, _
"Order Process", _
"Non-Administrators may not place orders for more " & _
"than 100 books"
End If
End If
' Nobody may order more than 50 copies of the same title,
Dim TooManyBooks As Boolean
' Search the order for entries containing more than 50 copies
TooManyBooks = False
Dim TheOrderItem As VbaOrderObjectModel.OrderItem
For Each TheOrderItem In MyApplication.Order.OrderItems
If (TheOrderItem.UnitQuantity > 50) Then TooManyBooks = True
' Raise and error if found
If (TooManyBooks) Then
MyApplication.RaiseError -1, _
"Order Process", _
"Non-Administrators may not place orders for more " & _
"than 100 books"
End If
Exit Sub
MyApplication.RaiseError -1, _
"Order Process VBA error", _
End Sub
Buyer.vba is a VBA project that provides an implementation of CalculatePerformance in order to calculate the performance of a particular buyer.
Private Sub MyApplication_CalculatePerformance( _
ByVal EmployeeId As Long, _
ByVal EmployeeAlias As String, _
ByVal Orders As Long, _
ByVal OrderValue As Currency, _
ByVal OrderVolume As Long, _
ByVal OrderDelay As Long, _
PerformancePoints As Long)
' Provide the Administrator with a different model
' from everyone else
If (EmployeeAlias = "ADMIN") Then
PerformancePoints = OrderValue / _
MyApplication.PeriodOrderValue * 105
PerformancePoints = OrderValue / _
MyApplication.PeriodOrderValue * 100
End If
End Sub