
This article is a guide to revising code that uses Microsoft Data Access Objects (DAO) into code that uses Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO). It also guides those who are writing new code using ADO with the OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Jet (Microsoft Jet Provider). It compares the general differences between DAO and ADO and details the mapping of objects, properties, and methods from DAO to ADO. It also highlights functional or semantic differences between similarly named methods or properties.

This article assumes that you have already decided to use ADO instead of DAO to access a Microsoft Jet database, or that you are investigating what it will take to port your code from DAO to ADO. It covers some of the advantages of using ADO over DAO. It describes many features of the Microsoft Jet Provider and demonstrates how to use them with ADO. (The ADO documentation is meant to be provider-neutral, so it lacks much of this information.) This article does not attempt to provide in-depth information on particular objects, properties, or methods. Refer to the online documentation provided with DAO and ADO for specific details on a particular item.