Appendix E: Installation Executable Command-Line Parameters

The following table lists the command-line parameter definitions for the following InstallShield setup and PackageForTheWeb executables:

Table 19. Command-line parameter definitions

Option or Parameter Description Executables That
k=Dk Desktop Edition installation (used to install SQL Server Desktop Edition from a Standard or Enterprise Edition CD-ROM) SQL7
K=Rc Recording Setup Initialization Files SQL7, MSDE1_O2K
K=Rm Remote Installation Option (currently unsupported for unattended installations) SQL7
sapwd=sapassword SQL Server 'sa' password (used when connecting by way of SQL Server Authentication) SP1 (Win95/Win98 only)
NTAuthentication=1 Connect by way of Windows NT Authentication SP1 (Windows NT/Windows 2000 only)
NoSysChk Skip System Check Option (this option is unsupported and should not be used) SQL7, MSDE1_O2K
-s Silent Mode (required for unattended installations, suppresses any installation-related windows or dialogs) All
-a Append (passes any subsequent parameters to installation executable after it is unpackaged) MSDE1
-SMS Wait For Completion (forces the initiating process to wait until the installation executable completes, recommended for unattended installations) SQL7, MSDE1_O2K, SP1
-m Generate Status MIF (generates a status MIF file useful when performing unattended installations with Microsoft Systems Management Server) SQL7, MSDE1_O2K, SP1
-z Suppress Memory Check (prevents free memory check for InstallShield 16-bit components—see Endnote 11) SQL7, MSDE1_OSK, SP1
-f1 Setup Initialization File (used to pass the path and file name of a setup initialization file) All
[drive:][path]filename Specifies the drive, directory and file name for the ISS file you wish to use. If the file specification includes spaces you should enclose it in quotation marks. All

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