Using SendObject to E-Mail Data

Charlie Kindschi
Microsoft Corporation
Applies To: Microsoft Access 97

February 1999

Summary: Discusses how to disable the built-in Send menu item and use the SendObject method of the DoCmd object to control how information is sent. (6 printed pages)


It is usually inappropriate, even dangerous, to e-mail the entire record source that underlies a form. However, users of your Access-based applications can e-mail their data from the DAO object named in the RecordSource property of a form, simply by clicking Send from the File menu. The example in this tip shows you how to disable that built-in Send menu item and instead use the SendObject method of the DoCmd object in conjunction with Microsoft® Visual Basic® for Applications (VBA) code to send only appropriate information and to control how it is sent.

The Northwind Database Example

In the Northwind sample database (Northwind.mdb) there is a form called "Products" that is based on a table of the same name. It might be useful to e-mail a list of Northwind's products to potential customers, but the Products table, as a whole, should not be sent. Some fields in the table are irrelevant to customers (such as the Reorder Level), and others are better kept confidential (Supplier Name). Products that have been discontinued should not be part of the list, and a Description field (not currently a part of the Products table) could be added to make the list more compelling.

To see the output that results from using the File menu Send command for the Products form, do the following:

  1. In Access, open the Northwind database. On the Forms tab of the Database dialog box, click Products and then click Open.

  2. From the File menu, click Send.

  3. Click Microsoft Excel in the Select Format list in the Send dialog box, and then click OK.

  4. When the Microsoft Outlook® (or other e-mail client) window opens, fill in the To line with your own e-mail alias and click Send.

When you open the .xls file from mail, you can see that all fields and all data are available to the recipient—not necessarily a good thing for your company.

Visual Basic for Applications Example

The following example uses arguments of the SendObject method of the DoCmd object to send a query as an attachment, in rich-text format (RTF), which can be viewed by any modern word processor with formatting intact. Users are given the choice to preview the Outlook window or send the e-mail directly and have the Subject and Message headers of the e-mail entered automatically.

Create a Query

A good product list should contain at least the product name, a description of the product, and its price. Only products currently offered and in stock should be included in the list. To create the query:

  1. Click the Queries tab and then click New.

  2. Click Simple Query Wizard from the list of choices.

  3. In the dialog box that appears, click Table: Products in the first box (Tables/Queries). In the second box (Available Fields), add ProductName, UnitPrice, Discontinued, and UnitsInStock.

  4. Go back to the Tables/Queries box and click Table: Categories. In the Selected Fields box, highlight ProductName. In the Available Fields box, double-click Description. (It will be added directly under ProductName, rather than at the end of the list as the other entries were.)

  5. Click Next, and then click Next again. When prompted, name the query "qryProductList."

  6. When the finished query is displayed, click Design View from the View menu.

  7. In the Discontinued column, clear the check box and type False in the Criteria field. In the UnitsInStock column, clear the check box, and type >0 in the Criteria field. Your query should look like the one shown Figure 1.

    Figure 1. Screen shot of qryProductList : Select Query

Edit the Interface

  1. Open the Products form by selecting Products in the Forms tab and clicking Design.

  2. Add a command button. (It is not important how you format the button or where on the form you place it.) Set its Name property to cmdEmail and its Caption property to E-mail. (To set these values, right-click the button and click Properties from the bottom of the shortcut menu.)

Add the Event Procedures

With the Products form still in Design view, do the following:

  1. Open the Class Module form by clicking Code from the View menu.

  2. In the Object (General) field at left, click cmdEmail. The opposite window, Procedure, should list Click as the event. Paste in the following code:
    Private Sub cmdEmail_Click()
        ' Prevent error screen if user cancels without sending mail.
        On Error Resume Next
        Dim strToWhom     As String
        Dim strMsgBody    As String
        Dim intSeeOutlook As Integer
        ' Determine if user wants to preview message in Outlook window.
        intSeeOutlook = MsgBox("Preview e-mail message?", _
                            vbYesNo, "Northwind " & Me.Caption)
        ' If user wants to directly send item, get recipient's address.
        If intSeeOutlook = vbNo Then
            strToWhom = InputBox("Enter recipient's e-mail address.", _
                            "Northwind Product List")
                intSeeOutlook = False
         End If
        ' Send query in RTF format.
        ' Open Outlook window if intSeeOutlook is True.
        ' Provide Subject title bar and message text.
        DoCmd.SendObject acSendQuery, "qryProductList", acFormatRTF, _
                  strToWhom, , , "NorthWind Traders " & Me.Caption, _
                  "Here is our list of tasty products", intSeeOutlook
    End Sub 
  3. Close the code window and change to Form view to try out the new control. Open the Products form, and then send the query to your own e-mail alias, both directly and by opening the Outlook window. Your e-mail message should look like the one shown in Figure 2.

    Figure 2. E-mail sent by the Products form

Disable/Reenable the Send Menu Item

It is advisable to disable the Send menu item while the Products form is active. This will prevent users from inadvertently sending out the whole Products table, as discussed earlier. Because a menu item is global to the application, it should be reenabled when the form is deactivated.

  1. Open the form in Design view (View menu). Click Code on the View menu to open the code window. Copy the following subroutine to the bottom of the page:
    Sub SendOnOff()
        Dim cmdBar   As CommandBarControl
        Dim bolOnOff As Boolean
        ' Identify menu item.
        Set cmdBar = CommandBars("File").Controls("Send...")
        ' Give a variable its current state (Enabled or Disabled).
        bolOnOff = cmdBar.Enabled
        ' Toggle the Enabled property of the menu item.
        cmdBar.Enabled = Not bolOnOff
    End Sub
  2. Call the SendOnOff subroutine from the form's Activate and Deactivate events. (In the Objects field, click Form. In the Events field, click Activate and Deactivate, respectively, to add the following procedures.)
    Private Sub Form_Activate()
        Call SendOnOff
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Deactivate()
        Call SendOnOff
    End Sub

For more information, see the Access "SendObject Method" Help topic for the general syntax of the SendObject method, as well as information on the object types that may be sent and the formats they may be sent in.