Gregory Dodge
Microsoft Consulting Services, Gulf States District
August 1999
Summary: This document explains how to use Microsoft Access (both 97 and 2000) and the “Microsoft Exchange and Outlook Data Access Wizard” to migrate specific data from cc:Mail to Exchange. It explains how to migrate two different types of data. The first is to extract the current SMTP addresses from the cc:Mail Internet gateway and update the cc:Mail custom recipients in Exchange, and the second is to migrate existing cc:Mail mailing lists to Distribution lists in Exchange. To assist with these examples, we have included a sample set of cc:Mail example files (with the same filenames noted below), an example database to go with them, and a blank database you can use as a template. These techniques were demonstrated at Microsoft TechEd 98 in the session entitled “cc:Mail to Exchange Rapid Migration Strategies” (session number 4-309). (6 printed pages)
To properly use the tools and techniques described in this document you must have the following software installed:
To use the example template database, you will need to follow these steps for setup:
For Access 97
For Access 2000
Note You can also import the Global Address List into a table instead of linking it, but it is better to link because the data will always be up-to-date.
Only these steps are specific to the version of Microsoft Access you are running, so all subsequent steps and the examples below work the same on Access 97 and Access 2000.
The data to be imported into the Access database is stored in a file named SMTP.ADR, which is located on the cc:Mail Internet gateway PO. In this example, we assume that you use the naming convention “Lastname, Firstname” in your cc:Mail directory, but if you use another naming convention you could easily tailor these steps for that convention. The steps are:
The format of the entries in this file should be
cc:Mail address <=>
Importing Data
You should now see a list that looks like an Exchange CSV import/export file. Verify that the number of records equals the number of SMTP addresses you had in cc:Mail. If not, check the join query in design mode to make sure the lastname and firstname fields match up correctly.
You should now be able to validate that the cc:Mail custom recipients have an additional SMTP address that equals their old address on cc:Mail. If you want to replace the default reply-to address instead of adding a secondary proxy address, you only need to change the field name and make the letters SMTP all uppercase.
The data about membership and the names of the cc:Mail mailing lists can be easily exported, parsed, imported and then used to create a CSV file to create the Exchange distribution lists and their members. In your migration, you should consider when you want to move the mailing lists to Exchange, as you can do this early or late in the migration project. This example will work easily if you are moving all the lists at once, although you could easily modify it to move particular lists at a time. The steps are:
Since mailing lists are located in the cc:Mail PO in which they were created, you may need to export the lists from all your cc:Mail Pos. Make sure to put all the exported files into one file. The command to export the mailing lists and membership are
Version 5.X - export.exe /LIST /@cclist.exp
Version 6.x and later - export.exe /LISTS /@cclist.exp
In your database
You should now see a list that looks like an Exchange CSV import/export file. There should be one entry for every mailing list member, so don’t worry that the mailing list names show up multiple times.
It is a good practice to put the DLs in a separate container from mailboxes and custom recipients.
They should be the exact same name as they were in cc:Mail.
Although the examples in this document used mailing lists and SMTP addresses, the techniques presented here can be used to manipulate other types of data. For example, you could update the alias field for cc:Mail CRs to match the NT domain account, or update other fields from an HR database. It should also be easy to adapt these examples for use in an MS-Mail environment, or any situation where you need to update custom recipients in the Exchange directory. Also, with a little bit of VBScript programming, you could automate the file import and export processes so they can be done with the push of a button.
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