You can perform many of the administrative tasks for MSCS from the Windows NT command prompt, without using the provided graphical interface. While the graphical method provides easier administration and status of cluster resources at a glance, MSCS does provide the capability to issue most administrative commands without the graphical interface. This ability opens up interesting possibilities for batch files, scheduled commands, and other techniques, in which many tasks may be automated.
Cluster.exe is a companion program and is installed with Cluster Administrator. While the Microsoft Cluster Server Administrator's Guide details basic syntax for this utility, the intention of this section is to complement the existing documentation and to offer examples. All examples in this section assume a cluster name of MYCLUSTER, installed in the domain called MYDOMAIN, with NODEA and NODEB as servers in the cluster. All examples are given as a single command line.
Note Specify any names that contain spaces within quotation marks.
With the exception of the cluster /? command, which returns basic syntax for the command, every command line uses the syntax:
CLUSTER [cluster name] /option
To test connectivity with a cluster, or to ensure you can use Cluster.exe, try the simple command in the next section to check the version name (/version).
To check the version number of your cluster, use a command similar to the following:
CLUSTER mycluster /version
If your cluster were named MYCLUSTER, the above command would return the version information for the product.
To list all clusters within a single domain, use a command including the /list option like this:
CLUSTER mycluster /LIST:mydomain
All commands directed toward a specific cluster node must use the following syntax:
CLUSTER [cluster name] NODE [node name] /option
To obtain the status of a particular cluster node, use the /status command. For example:
CLUSTER mycluster NODE NodeA /Status
The node name is optional only for the /status command, so the following command will report the status of all nodes in the cluster:
CLUSTER mycluster NODE /Status
The pause option allows the cluster service to continue running and communicating in the cluster. However, the paused node may not own groups or resources. For example, to pause a node, use the /pause switch:
CLUSTER mycluster NODE NodeB /Pause
An example of the use of this command might be to transfer groups to another node while you perform some other kind of task, such as with a backup or disk defrag utility. To resume the node, simply use the /resume switch instead:
CLUSTER mycluster NODE NodeB /Resume
The evict option removes the ability of a node to participate in the cluster. In other words, the cluster node loses membership rights in the cluster. The only way to grant membership rights again to the evicted node is to do the following.
To grant membership rights:
To perform this action, use a command similar to the following:
CLUSTER mycluster NODE NodeB /Evict
While the cluster node only has one property that may be changed by Cluster.exe, this example illustrates how to change a property of a cluster resource. The node description is the only property that may be changed. For example:
CLUSTER mycluster NODE NodeA /Properties Description="The best node in MyCluster."
A good use for this node changing property might be in the case of multiple administrators. For example, you pause a node to run a large application on the designated node, and want to change the node description to reflect this. The field could serve as a reminder to yourself and to other administrators as to why it was paused — and that someone may want to /resume the node later. It might be good to include /resume in a batch file that might pause a node while setting up for the designated task.
All group commands use the syntax:
CLUSTER [cluster name] GROUP [group name] /option
To obtain the status of a group, you may use the /status option. This option is the only group option in which the group name is optional. Therefore, if you omit the group name, the status of all groups will be displayed. Another status option (/node) will display group status by node.
Example 1: Status of all groups:
CLUSTER mycluster GROUP /Status
Example 2: Status of all groups owned by a specific node:
CLUSTER mycluster GROUP /Status /Node:nodea
Example 3: Status of a specific group:
CLUSTER mycluster GROUP "Cluster Group"
It is easy to create a new group from the command line.
Note The following example creates a group called mygroup:
CLUSTER mycluster GROUP mygroup /create
Equally as simple as the /create option, you may delete groups from the command line. However, the group must be empty before it can be deleted.
CLUSTER mycluster GROUP mygroup /delete
To rename a group, use the following syntax:
CLUSTER mycluster GROUP mygroup /rename:yourgroup
The move group command may be used to transfer ownership of a group and its resources to another node. By design, the move command must take the group offline and bring it online on the other node. Further, a timeout value (number of seconds) may be supplied to specify the time to wait before cancellation of the move request. By default, Cluster.exe waits indefinitely until the state of the group changes to the desired state.
CLUSTER mycluster GROUP mygroup /MoveTo:Nodeb /wait:120
CLUSTER mycluster GROUP mygroup /Offline
CLUSTER mycluster GROUP mygroup /Online
Use the /property option to display or set group properties. Documentation on common properties for groups may be found in the Microsoft Cluster Server Administrator's Guide. One additional property not documented is LoadBalState. This property is not used in MSCS version 1.0, and is reserved for future use.
CLUSTER mycluster GROUP mygroup /Properties
CLUSTER mygroup GROUP mygroup /Properties Description="My favorite group"
You may specify a preferred owner for a group. The preferred owner is the node you prefer each group to run. If a node fails, the remaining node takes over the groups from the failed node. By setting the fail back option at the group level, groups may fail back to their preferred server when the node becomes available. A group does not fail back if a preferred owner is not specified. MSCS version 1.0 is limited to two nodes in a cluster. For best results, specify no more than one preferred owner. In future releases, this property may use a list of more than one preferred owner.
Example: To list the preferred owner for a group, type:
CLUSTER mycluster GROUP mygroup /Listowner
Example: To specify the preferred owner list, type:
CLUSTER mycluster GROUP mygroup /Setowners:Nodea
To list the status of resources or a particular resource, you can use the /status option. Note the following examples:
CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE /Status
CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myshare /Status
To create a new resource, use the /create option.
Note To avoid error, you must specify all required parameters for the resource. The /create option allows creation of resources in an incomplete state. Make sure to set additional resource properties as appropriate with subsequent commands.
Example: Command sequence to add a file share resource
CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myshare /Create /Group:mygroup /Type:"File
CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myshare /PrivProp ShareName="myshare"
CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myshare /PrivProp Path="w:\myshare"
CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myshare /PrivProp Maxusers=-1
CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myshare /AddDependency:"Disk W"
Note Log entry lines in the sections above have been wrapped for space constraints in this document. The lines do not normally wrap.
You can simulate resource failure in a cluster from the command line by using the /fail option for a resource. This option is similar to using the Initiate Failure command from Cluster Administrator. The command assumes that the resource is already online.
CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myshare /Fail
The /online and /offline resource commands work very much the same way as the corresponding group commands, and also may use the /wait option to specify a time limit (in seconds) for the operation to complete.
CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myshare /Offline
CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myshare /Online
Resource dependency relationships may be listed or changed from the command line. To add or remove a dependency, you must know the name of the resource to be added or removed as a dependency.
CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myshare /ListDependencies
CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myshare /AddDependency:"Disk W:"
CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myshare /RemoveDependency:"Disk W:"
Note Log entry lines in the sections above have been wrapped for space constraints in this document. The lines do not normally wrap.
The following example takes an existing group, Mygroup, and creates resources within the group. The example creates a network name resource, and initiates failures to test failover. During the process, it uses various reporting commands to obtain the status of the group and resources. This example shows the output from all commands given. The commands in this example work, but may require minor alteration depending on configured cluster, group, resource, network, and IP addresses in your environment — if you choose to use them.
Note The LoadBal properties reported in the example are reserved for future use. The EnableNetBIOS property for the IP address resource is a Service Pack 4 addition, and must be set to 1, for the resource to be a valid dependency for a network name resource.
C:\>REM Get group status
C:\>CLUSTER mycluster GROUP mygroup /status
Listing status for resource group 'mygroup':
Group Node Status
-------------------- --------------- ------
mygroup NodeA Online
C:\>REM Create the IP Address resource: myip
C:\>CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myip /create /Group:mygroup /Type:"Ip Address"
Creating resource 'myip'...
Resource Group Node Status
-------------------- -------------------- --------------- ------
myip mygroup NodeA Offline
C:\>REM Define the IP Address parameters
C:\>CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myip /priv network:client
C:\>CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myip /priv address:
C:\>REM Redundant. Subnet mask should already be same as network uses.
C:\>CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myip /priv subnetmask:
C:\>CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myip /priv EnableNetBIOS:1
C:\>REM Check the status
C:\>CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myip /Stat
Listing status for resource 'myip':
Resource Group Node Status
-------------------- -------------------- --------------- ------
myip mygroup NodeA Offline
C:\>REM View the properties
C:\>CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myip /prop
Listing properties for 'myip':
R Name Value
--------------------------------- -------------------------------
R Name myip
Type IP Address
SeparateMonitor 0 (0x0)
PersistentState 0 (0x0)
LooksAlivePollInterval 5000 (0x1388)
IsAlivePollInterval 60000 (0xea60)
RestartAction 2 (0x2)
RestartThreshold 3 (0x3)
RestartPeriod 900000 (0xdbba0)
PendingTimeout 180000 (0x2bf20)
LoadBalStartupInterval 300000 (0x493e0)
LoadBalSampleInterval 10000 (0x2710)
LoadBalAnalysisInterval 300000 (0x493e0)
LoadBalMinProcessorUnits 0 (0x0)
LoadBalMinMemoryUnits 0 (0x0)
C:\>REM View the private properties
C:\>CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myip /priv
Listing private properties for 'myip':
R Name Value
--------------------------------- -------------------------------
Network Client
EnableNetBIOS 1 (0x1)
C:\>REM Bring online and wait 60 sec. for completion
C:\>CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myip /Online /Wait:60
Bringing resource 'myip' online...
Resource Group Node Status
-------------------- -------------------- --------------- ------
myip mygroup NodeA Online
C:\>REM Check the status again.
C:\>CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myip /Stat
Listing status for resource 'myip':
Resource Group Node Status
-------------------- -------------------- --------------- ------
myip mygroup NodeA Online
C:\>REM Define a network name resource
C:\>CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE mynetname /Create /Group:mygroup /Type:"Network Name"
Creating resource 'mynetname'...
Resource Group Node Status
-------------------- -------------------- --------------- ------
mynetname mygroup NodeA Offline
C:\>CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE mynetname /priv Name:"mynetname"
C:\>CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE mynetname /Adddependency:myip
Making resource 'mynetname' depend on resource 'myip'...
C:\>REM Status check
C:\>CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE mynetname /Stat
Listing status for resource 'mynetname':
Resource Group Node Status
-------------------- -------------------- --------------- ------
mynetname mygroup NodeA Offline
C:\>REM Bring the network name online
C:\>CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE mynetname /Online /Wait:60
Bringing resource 'mynetname' online...
Resource Group Node Status
-------------------- -------------------- --------------- ------
mynetname mygroup NodeA Online
C:\>REM Status check
C:\>CLUSTER mycluster Group mygroup /stat
Listing status for resource group 'mygroup':
Group Node Status
-------------------- --------------- ------
mygroup NodeA Online
C:\>REM Let's simulate a failure of the IP address
C:\>CLUSTER mycluster RESOURCE myip /Fail
Failing resource 'myip'...
Resource Group Node Status
-------------------- -------------------- --------------- ------
myip mygroup NodeA Online Pending
C:\>REM Get group status
C:\>CLUSTER mycluster GROUP mygroup /status
Listing status for resource group 'mygroup':
Group Node Status
-------------------- --------------- ------
mygroup NodeA Online