Scott Smith
Microsoft Corporation
January 1999
For the most current information, see
The Microsoft® Data Engine (MSDE) is a Microsoft SQL Server™ 7.0 compatible data storage server that ships with both Office 2000 Premium and Office 2000 Developer, each slightly different. When installed, the Office Premium version acts as a local server and supports creation of a new project type, Access Data Projects (ADP). This version of MSDE contains a number of files that enable visual ADP project development, and it is not redistributable. The version of MSDE that ships on the Office 2000 Developer CD is a self-extracting executable run-time engine with no design-time UI components. This version of it is redistributable.
This paper addresses packaging a project where the data and solution exist together on the same machine—similar to current Jet-based solutions. It outlines the steps required to create, package, and distribute an Access Runtime solution with MSDE using the Visual Basic® for Applications (VBA) Package and Deployment Wizard included with Office 2000 Developer. A sample ADP project and MDF file are found in on the Office 2000 Developer CD in the \ODETools\v9\Samples\MSDE folder. The example code in the sample is similar to the code in this paper, but is more generic for re-use purposes.
Note ADP solutions that use data in an existing server do not require the distribution of MSDE, and can be easily deployed within a corporate environment, where workstations have access to SQL 7.0 Server.
To install MSDE for development purposes, run the setup program SETUPSQL.EXE on the Office Premium CD1 found in the \SQL\x86\Setup folder. The process is fairly straightforward, and all the default settings can be used. See Access 2000 online help for further details.
For the solution described in this paper, begin by creating a new database. From the File menu, choose New, and select the Project (New Database) icon. For detailed information, Access 2000 online Help contains extensive documentation on ADP solutions.
Distributing MSDE requires you as the developer to complete several steps. You must programmatically accomplish the following:
The VBA Package and Deployment Wizard, described later in this paper, has an option to run an executable or a batch file on completion of Setup. This example uses that feature to launch a batch file that contains a command line that will extract and install MSDE on the user's machine.
The batch file contains:
start /wait msdex86.exe –s –a –f1 "sql70ins.iss"
This uses a default .iss file contained within msdex86.exe along with all of the product defaults.
You can also issue a command with a custom .iss file:
start /wait msdex86.exe -s -a -f1 "c:\Progra~1\Adp1\MSDETemp\MSDEInst.iss"
where you would provide the full path to your custom .iss file after copying it to the user's machine.
This statement silently expands and installs MSDE to the user's hard drive. It uses the file MSDEInst.iss as instructions for installation. In addition, the "start /wait" parameter causes the installation to complete before returning control of the system to the batch file.
You need to change the folder named "Adp1" to the appropriate name of your project. You may want to augment this batch file with a program that requests the user to choose where to install MSDE on the system (the default is the C:\ drive), then modifies the .iss file appropriately. You may also want to remove the MSDETemp folder after completion. Detailed information on the contents of the .iss file can be found in the Platform SDK.
The two options for launching MSDE are: via command line on Microsoft Windows NT® at the end of the installation process, or through SQL DMO code.
The command line statement for Windows NT is:
net start mssqlserver
The SQL DMO code will do the same thing, as follows, and will work for either Windows® 95/Windows 98 or Windows NT.
Note Using SQL DMO requires a reference to the Microsoft SQLDMO Object Library:
Sub TurnOnMSDE()
Dim oSvr As SQLDMO.SQLServer
Set oSvr = CreateObject("SQLDMO.SQLServer")
On Error GoTo StartError
oSvr.LoginTimeout = 60 ' This needs to be high to avoid time-out errors.
oSvr.Start True, "(local)", "sa", ""
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = -2147023840 Then 'This error is thrown when the server is already running, and Server.Start is executed on NT.
oSvr.Connect "(local)", "sa", ""
Resume Next
End If
End Sub
The following code only needs to run once, and it assumes a few things. Therefore, you will need to modify it appropriately.
Note It is not necessary to place the MDF file in the MSSQL7\Data folder, but that is the standard location. This subroutine also requires a reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime to handle the copy file routine.
Sub ConnectData()
Dim strMsg As String
Dim strCurDir as String
Dim FSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim oSvr As SQLDMO.SQLServer
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oSvr = CreateObject("SQLDMO.SQLServer")
'Log onto database
oSvr.Connect "(local)", "sa", ""
'Copy File to data folder
strCurDir = CurDir & "adp1sql.mdf"
FSO.CopyFile strCurDir, "c:\mssql7\data\adp1sql.mdf", True
'Attach to database
strmessage = oSvr.AttachDBWithSingleFile("DemoDatabase", "c:\mssql7\data\adp1SQL.mdf")
'Display the success or failure message
MsgBox strmessage
Set oSvr = Nothing
End Sub
For debugging purposes, you may want to programmatically detach the database so this code can be re-run. Use the SQLDMO method DetachDB.
The files in the MSDE folder on the Office 2000 Developer CD make up a template for creating custom MSDE-based solutions—the file MSDEInst.bat contains the command line information described above in the "Installing Office MSDE" section, and should be modified for your specific use.
The MSDEx86.dep file lists dependencies for MSDEx86.exe as follows:
; Dependency file for MSDEx86.exe
; Default Dependencies -----------
This file is designed to tell the VBA Package and Deployment Wizard which files to pick up and where to install the files on the user's machine. The current settings place all the files in an \MSDETemp folder in the application path, making it easy for you to delete later.
The MSDEInst.iss file should also be modified for your requirements, and at run time should be changed to point to the correct drive install location.
To use these template files, copy all of them (MSDEx86.exe, MSDEx86.dep, MSDEInst.bat, and MSDEInst.iss) to your machine in a separate folder, modified as necessary for each project.
The VBA Package and Deployment Wizard is found on the Add-In menu in the Visual Basic for Applications 6.0 Environment. Specific instructions for using the wizard can be found in Office 2000 Developer online help.
To use the VBA Package and Deployment Wizard to package an MSDE-based solution:
This will perform a silent install of MSDE to C:\MSSQL7. If you wish to give the user the option of which drive to install to, create an executable program and place it on this line instead. The executable should request the user for an installation location, then modify the file MSDEInst.iss, to change szDir and szDataDir to point to the new installation location.
After this modification, have the executable launch MSDEInst.bat.
Continue with the packaging process to create the Setup program.