Banking Samples: Installation Overview

MSDN Content Development Group

March 1997

The Banking samples are composed of three separate pieces that are all related.


This is the sample for the technical article "Scripting a Pair of Transaction Processors." The BANKASP sample illustrates how to publish data using both Active Server pages and client-side scripting. This sample provides the COM server and Microsoft® Access database that are required by the other samples.

Click to open or copy the files in the BANKASP sample application.


This is the sample for the technical article "Designing Intelligent Control Palettes with Visual Basic 5.0." CTRLPAL is an ActiveX™ control sample that demonstrates how to wrap user-interface and data-access services into a single ActiveX control. This sample requires the COM server (BANKSRV.DLL) and the Microsoft Access database (BANKING.MDB) from the BANKASP sample above.

Click to open or copy the files in the CTLPAL sample application.


This is the sample for the technical article "Controls That Control Controls." The CONCON sample extends upon the ActiveX control created in the CTRPAL sample by demonstrating how to build "smart" controls that are not only aware of other controls but are capable of interacting with them. This sample requires the COM server (BANKSRV.DLL) and the Microsoft Access database (BANKING.MDB) from the BANKASP sample above.

Click to open or copy the files in the CONCON sample application.