OLE DB for the ODBC Programmer

Michael Pizzo and Jeff Cochran
Microsoft Corporation

March 1997


This paper presents an introduction to OLE DB programming using the Microsoft® OLE DB Software Developer's Kit (SDK), which can be downloaded from http://www.microsoft.com/oledb/. The goal of this paper is to aid Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) programmers in understanding and using OLE DB. It discusses the relationship of ODBC calls to corresponding OLE DB methods and the related programming issues. Basic OLE DB concepts are discussed but advanced OLE DB features, such as notifications, IPersist * objects, transaction objects, and coordinated transactions, are not covered.

OLE DB and ODBC are application programming interfaces (APIs) designed to provide access to a wide range of data sources. A data source consists of the data, its associated database management system (DBMS), the platform on which the DBMS exists, and the network used to access that platform.

ODBC is designed to provide access primarily to SQL data in a multiplatform environment. OLE DB is designed to provide access to all types of data in an OLE Component Object Model (COM) environment. OLE DB includes the Structured Query Language (SQL) functionality defined in ODBC but also defines interfaces suitable for gaining access to data other than SQL data.

OLE facilitates application integration by defining a set of standard interfaces, groupings of semantically related functions through which one application accesses the services of another. Interfaces are the binary standard for component object interaction. Each interface contains a set of functions that define a contract between the object implementing the interface and the client using it.

OLE DB is designed using OLE COM; for more information about COM, see the Microsoft OLE 2 Programmer's Reference, Volume 1. Each interface consists of a set of related methods. The full functionality of OLE DB is factored into a number of different interfaces. Each data provider will implement some subset of these interfaces.


Some of the key OLE concepts that you should be aware of include:

Interface factoring

An interface in OLE is a set of related methods. A single OLE object may support multiple interfaces at the same time. The consumer of an object can move between any interfaces supported on that object by calling QueryInterface (see "Interface negotiation," below). If an object supports an interface, it supports all of the methods within that interface. Thus, once the consumer has determined that a particular interface is supported, it understands how to interact with the object. New interfaces that augment the functionality already supported by the existing interfaces can be added later, but methods can never be added or removed from existing interfaces.

Because an object must either support all or none of the methods within an interface, interfaces are generally factored according to functionality. For example, if an object supports reading data and does or does not support writing data, the methods for reading data and those for writing data would appear in two different interfaces. Only the objects that supported writing data would support the interface containing the methods for writing data.

OLE DB makes extensive use of interface factoring. Individually supportable functionality, such as different levels of scrollability in a result set or command preparation and parameter support, are factored into different interfaces. Each object has one or more required interfaces that encapsulate base functionality for that object and that can expose extended functionality by implementing one or more optional interfaces. The OLE DB consumer can determine what extended functionality the provider supports by querying for these optional interfaces.

Interface negotiation

IUnknown is implemented by all component objects. All other interfaces inherit, directly or indirectly, from this interface. It has three methods: QueryInterface, AddRef, and Release. Each interface is identified by a globally unique identifier (GUID) by which it is known at compile time. To determine if an object supports a particular interface, the client calls QueryInterface on that object. If an object supports the requested interface, QueryInterface returns a pointer to the interface. The interface identifier (IID) allows the client to dynamically determine, by way of a call to IUnknown::QueryInterface, the capabilities of other objects and to get the pointers to needed interfaces. Every interface that is obtained directly (by calls to QueryInterface) or indirectly (by calls to a method that returns an interface) must be released by calling the Release method of that object.

Reference counting

Reference counts are kept on each instance of a pointer to an interface that is derived from IUnknown. This ensures that the object is not destroyed before all references to it are released.

Memory management

OLE uses two kinds of memory: local application task memory and shared memory. All task memory allocated by the OLE libraries and by the object handlers is allocated using either an application-supplied allocator or the default allocator provided by OLE.

The standard memory management model in COM requires that the callee allocates and the caller frees. OLE DB generally follows this model, except for certain cases where performance can be gained by the caller allocating and reusing the same piece of memory, or in some special cases, by the callee giving the caller pointers to callee-owned data. In this case, the caller is not allowed to write to or free the memory.


All COM interface methods pass Unicode rather than ANSI strings. OLE DB follows this convention, except for getting and setting ANSI data that resides in tables.

Components of OLE DB

OLE DB providers can be classified as data providers and service providers. A data provider is one that owns data and exposes it in a tabular form. Some examples are relational database systems and spreadsheets. A service provider is any OLE DB component that does not own the data but encapsulates some service by producing and consuming data through OLE DB interfaces. Examples are query processors and transaction managers.

OLE DB Objects

The following illustration shows the core object model of OLE DB.

Other OLE DB Objects

The following objects are also defined in OLE DB. They provide recursive data source enumeration, enhanced transaction control, and extended error retrieval.