Using Local Mode Effectively

Valerie Whitcomb
Microsoft Corporation

September 1998

Summary: Illustrates how to work in Microsoft® Visual InterDev™ local mode to work on a Web project in isolation from the live Web application. Includes workflow suggestions for using local mode and requirements for your local machine. (6 printed pages)

Would you like to work on your Web pages in isolation from the live Web application other people are viewing on the Web server? Instead of maintaining separate test Web applications, you can use a project in local mode to work on the same Web application your team is working on or your users are using.

If you find yourself balking at the seeming complexity of "local mode," don't worry. Just remember that your Web project in Visual InterDev refers to two sets of Web files, and with local mode you can control when updates become "public."

The following tips for using local mode effectively also include a brief comparison of master and local mode. This article covers the following topics:

Useful Concepts for Understanding Project Modes

Your Local Environment

If your master Web server is on a separate machine from your workstation, your workstation needs to have all of the services your Web application needs. So the question you need to consider is, "Which services or additional applications does my Web application require?"

Note   Your operating system affects which Web server is installed on your machine but does not affect how you work in local mode. If you are using Microsoft Windows® 95/98, the installation wizard installs Personal Web Server instead of Internet Information Server.

You do not need to use the following table if your workstation is also the team Web server, because it should already have the services you need for your project in local mode.

If your application uses You need
HTML and client script in HTM pages A Web browser and a local copy of the pages you are testing.
Links to other pages A local copy of the file, for destination pages within your current project. (For pages outside your project, the URL should resolve regardless of the project mode.)
Server script in ASP pages A Web server installed on your workstation.
COM objects The "Register on client" option enabled for the object in the project.
Data Nothing additional if your workstation is using the same local area network (LAN) as your database server. However, if you are working offline, using dial-up access, or working through a firewall, you need a local copy of your data and to set your connections to use it.
Microsoft Transaction Server Remote Machine Debugging, an application provided by the Microsoft BackOffice® Server wizard. Although the debugging components have already been set up by the VID client, this application registers some registry keys necessary to debug the Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) processes.

Workflow Suggestions for Using Local Mode

The following major steps to work locally are shown to help you identify tasks you might want to do to avoid unexpected results. For detailed procedures for each major step, see the Visual InterDev documentation on the MSDN Library CD.

  1. Open or create a project for the Web application.

  2. Make sure your project is set to work in local mode.

    You can tell that your project is in local mode by the next to the project name in the Project Explorer. You can also look at the project's properties.

  3. Get write-enabled copies of the files you want to work on. You can use the Get Working Copy command on individual files or on an entire project. If your project is under source control, use the Check Out command.

  4. Get read-only copies of related files that you don't need to edit, but that are used by the pages you want to work on. You can use the Get Latest Version command on a project or individual files. This command is the same whether or not you are using source control.

    Note    Your data connections still work in local mode because the mode only affects the operations that maintain the local and master copies of files. Data connections are the same regardless of mode. You need a local copy of your data only if you work offline, are using dial-up access, or are working through a firewall. In those cases, you must have a local copy of the database and create a connection that uses the local data.

  5. Open the files, edit them, and save your changes. Because your project is in local mode, the changes are saved to your local Web application only; the master Web file does not change.

  6. If you have moved files or manually added links, you can do a quick visual check of the links using Link View.

  7. Preview the working version of the Web application in the Web browser. If you don't have a Web server on your developer workstation, the file is loaded with a file URL and server script won't work. If you do have a local Web server, your .asp files use the local Web server to process the server script.

  8. Update the master Web application. When you are satisfied with your working versions, you can release your local copy to update the master Web application.

  9. If you want to see to the master files, refresh the project. Any files added to the master Web application since you first began working will appear in the Project Explorer. Refreshing the project only updates your view of the files in the project. It doesn't overwrite the write-enabled local copies of the Web files.

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