Web Solutions Resources

Microsoft Corporation

December 1999

Applies To: Microsoft FrontPage; Microsoft Access; Microsoft Internet Information Server; Microsoft Jet; Microsoft Outlook; Microsoft Windows NT

Summary: This article provides links to other articles about creating Web solutions. (9 printed pages)


Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions: Feature Overview

The Microsoft® FrontPage® Server Extensions are a set of server-side applications that let multiple authors collaborate on the same Web site and Web server. This article provides an overview of features provided by Microsoft® FrontPage® 2000 Server Extensions.

Using Databases with Microsoft FrontPage 2000

This article describes the new database features in FrontPage 2000 that provide an easy way to create Web pages that incorporate useful information from a variety of data sources.

Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions: Introduction

This article offers an introduction to security issues addressed by FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions.

Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions Resource Kit


This online book on the Microsoft Office Update site offers comprehensive information about the use and administration of FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions.

Putting the Server Extensions to Work

This article describes two scenarios where a business uses FrontPage Server Extensions. In the first, an organization uses the FrontPage Server Extensions on its intranet to share all kinds of information internally. In the second, an Internet service provider finds it easy and profitable to host FrontPage-extended Web sites.

Configuring Support for Database Integration with FrontPage

This article describes connectivity and security aspects in creating new databases, or connecting to existing ones, in FrontPage 2000.

How to Apply a Theme to a Word Document Using FrontPage 2000


This Knowledge Base article describes how to change the theme of the pages in a web that were created with Microsoft Word.

Integrating PowerPoint and FrontPage 98

If you’ve invested significant time in developing PowerPoint® presentations, you can easily port those presentations to the Internet. This article shows you how to do so.

Data Access

Developing Applications for the Internet and the World Wide Web

This chapter from Building Applications with Microsoft Access 97 shows you how to use Microsoft Access to develop applications that retrieve, publish, and share information on the Internet or a local area network (LAN).

Data Access & Databases

This article provides a brief overview with extensive links to further information on the tools and techniques available to publish data on the Web (or other environments) with Microsoft technologies.

Posting Data to an Access Database

This article shows you the basics of connecting to Access databases from a Web page.

Job Forum: A Sample Internet Information Server Application That Stores and Retrieves Data from a Microsoft Access Database

This paper discusses how to provide access to Microsoft Access databases from a Web browser and describes a sample application that uses Microsoft Access 95 for this purpose.

Publish Microsoft Access 97 Data Using FrontPage

This article presents the basics of static Web publishing using Access 97. You’ll see how to publish datasheets and printed reports. The examples and recommendations will guide you around the pitfalls so you can successfully put this technique to work with a minimum amount of effort.

Improving the Performance of Data Access Components with IIS 4.0

This white paper by Microsoft program manager Leland Ahlbeck addresses issues affecting speed in an Internet Information Server (IIS) 4.0 environment when returning data to a Web client. The discussion focuses on Microsoft products, but some of the issues raised may pertain to other OLE-DB data providers or open database connectivity (ODBC) drivers.

For Starters: #7. Dreaming of Databases

In this article, Microsoft program manager Mary Haggard describes how to connect data sources to HTML pages. Her article explains some of the options, deciphers acronyms, talks about tools that can make things work, and points you to more information.

The Objects of My Affection: Creating & Debugging Java Server-Side Objects

This article by Product Support Services managing editor Tom Moran poses (and answers) the question, “What could possibly be more fun than debugging server-side objects written in Java?” This is the first in a series of three articles.

The Objects of My Affection, Part 2: Adding Data Access Using WFC/ADO

Tom Moran continues a series of articles by explaining how to create a simple Access database that holds some quotes, and how to modify the Java object and ASP page to randomly pull one of those quotes up whenever the page is refreshed. His article also discusses using the new Windows® Foundation Classes (WFC), which wrap Active Data Objects (ADO), for database access.

The Objects of My Affection, Part 3: Record Counts and Error Checking

Tom Moran finishes his series of articles by describing how to get the actual record count, and adding error checking.

Data Interface Objects 101

This article by Nancy Winnick Cluts explains what the different data objects are, when you use them, and why they are useful. You’ll also get lots of links to other relevant information.

Internet Synchronization


This white paper describes the following processes: setting up your Internet or intranet server, including several examples for Microsoft Internet Servers; configuring Microsoft Replication Manager 3.5 to manage Internet synchronization; and creating and distributing a replica set for Internet synchronization.

Internet Synchronization with Microsoft Jet 3.5


This article by Microsoft Support engineer Mike Wachal describes how to perform Internet synchronization of Jet 3.5 databases.


XML Developer’s Guide

This online book provides a wide-ranging and comprehensive guide to topics of interest to Web developers who use Extensible Markup Language (XML).

XSL Developer’s Guide

This article offers in-depth information on using Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL).

XML Developer Center

This developer portal site provides tips on where to go on Microsoft’s Web sites for information about XML.

XML Security Developer’s Guide

This document describes how you can use the security zones and XML parser of Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 together. The following topics are discussed: accessing data across domains, accessing data across protocols, and accessing data across zones.

Extreme XML Columns

The following articles by Charles Heinemann, Microsoft Program Manager for XML, were originally published in the Site Builder Network Magazine “Extreme XML” column (now MSDN Online Voices “Extreme XML”).

XML Tutorial

This tutorial consists of a set of interactive lessons, listed below, that walk you through typical XML authoring and development tasks.

Automated Purchasing and Supplier Data Integration with XML

This article describes a real-world scenario in which XML is used to centralize a purchasing system.

XML: Enabling Next-Generation Web Applications

This article offers a lengthy introduction to the topic of using XML in Web applications.


All About Scripting

In this article, Microsoft Developer Technology Engineer Nancy Winnick Cluts explains what scripting is, describes the different Microsoft scripting languages (Visual Basic® Scripting Edition [VBScript] and Jscript®) that are available; provides information about server-side scripting; and, at the end of the article, provides a list of links to resources for more information about scripting.

Inside Microsoft Visual Basic, Scripting Edition

These seven chapters from the Microsoft Press® book include four sample projects that use VBScript to create Web applications.

Dynamic HTML Scriptlets

This chapter from Professional IE4 Programming introduces the concept of Scriptlets, and shows you how to get started using them in your own pages.

Office 2000

Speed Your Documents to the Web with Microsoft Office 2000


This article from Microsoft Interactive Developer provides an overview of some ways you can use Office 2000 in your Web applications.

Using Office Server Extensions

This series of articles from the Microsoft Office 2000 Resource Kit documents how Microsoft Office 2000 users can use Office Server Extensions to publish documents, participate in discussions, and collaborate on team projects.

How to Create a Threaded Discussion in Microsoft Office Applications


This Knowledge Base article describes how to begin a discussion and post further discussions in a Microsoft Office 2000 application.

Integrating Office 2000 with Your Intranet

This series of articles from the Microsoft Office 2000 Resource Kit shows you how to publish and manage online documents, create and publish your own Web sites, and, with the new broadcasting features in Microsoft PowerPoint 2000, broadcast presentations and multimedia shows in real time on your own network.

Presentation Broadcasting in PowerPoint 2000

In this article, Windows Media Technologies program manager Brooks Cutter describes how to use PowerPoint 2000 to broadcast presentations live over the Internet.


An ASP You Can Grasp: The ABCs of Active Server Pages

Microsoft Developer Technology Engineer Nancy Winnick Cluts took a look at the documentation, attended a couple of presentations at Tech*Ed 97, surfed the Internet, and came up with some answers about what the Active Server Pages technology really is, its complexity level, and where you can find more detailed information (lots of links!).

ASP from A to Z

This article provides an easy way to find information pertaining to ASP; including a short definition of what ASP is, how ASP works, and an alphabetical list of terms and tips that relate to ASP.

15 ASP Tips to Improve Performance and Style

In this compilation of tips, Microsoft Developer Technology Engineer Nancy Winnick Cluts provides ways to streamline the performance of your Web pages and to improve your coding style.

Professional Active Server Pages

This series of four chapters from the Wrox Press book describes using ADO and ASP to build client/server applications.

Professional Active Server Pages 2.0

This series of five chapters from the Wrox Press book covers security issues, Internet mail, and using Microsoft Transaction Server and Microsoft Index Server in electronic commerce applications.

So Happy Together? Using ActiveX Components with Active Server Pages

In this overview article Microsoft Developer Technology Engineer Nancy Winnick Cluts answers the following questions about using ActiveX® components with ASP. Where can you find information about available components? What tools help you build components? Where can you find samples for building components?

ASP Component Catalog

Microsoft Product Support manager Mike Fenbert provides this online catalog of components you can use as building blocks for your Web pages and Web-based applications.

Using Active Server Pages Technology to Display Microsoft Access Data

In this article you’ll see how to use Active Server Pages (ASP) technology to dynamically display data. The advantage to dynamic display is that each time a user loads the page that includes Access data, the most current version of the data will display.


Microsoft Outlook HTML Form Converter

This tool provides a way to convert a form designed and created in Microsoft Outlook® into a form usable on the Web—that is, a form created from HTML and ASP code.

Microsoft Outlook Web Access

With Microsoft Outlook Web Access, users can access data on a Microsoft Exchange Server computer by using an Internet browser (one that supports frames and JavaScript) from a UNIX, Macintosh, or Microsoft Windows-based computer.


Developing Applications for the Internet and World Wide Web

This chapter from the Office 97/Visual Basic Programmer’s Guide shows you how to use Microsoft Office 97 to develop applications that retrieve, publish, and share information on the Internet or a local area network (LAN).

Vector Markup Language (VML) Overview

Vector Markup Language (VML) is an XML-based exchange, editing, and delivery format for high-quality vector graphics on the Web that meets the needs of both productivity users and graphic design professionals. This article provides a brief introduction, with links to an FAQ, demos, and further information.

Guide to Microsoft Internet Publishing Tools

This article provides an overview of the activities involved in publishing on the World Wide Web and Microsoft’s current software solutions for those activities.


The Microsoft Windows NT Security Model

This article provides a brief introduction to security on Microsoft Windows NT®.

The UNIX Security Model

This article provides a brief introduction to UNIX Web server security.

Setting Web Site Permissions

This article gives you an overview of how to protect your FrontPage sites.