OLAP Services: Real-Time OLAP Sample

Microsoft Corporation

September 1999

The Microsoft® SQL Server™ Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) Services Real-Time OLAP sample demonstrates the usage of OLAP Services in a real-time environment. The sample consists of two Microsoft Visual Basic® projects—RealTimeClient and UpdateSales.

UpdateSales simulates a real-time sales environment by periodically loading new data into the fact table. UpdateSales also suspends the Sales cube before each load and resumes the cube after the load. This causes the OLAP Server to discard its cache for the Sales cube. The Sales cube has just one relational OLAP (ROLAP) database partition with zero aggregations. So the OLAP Server accesses the fact table to answer any queries, thereby returning real-time sales data.

RealTimeClient displays the Sales data using the CellsetGrid User Control. It allows drill-up and drill-down on rows and columns. It refreshes the grid periodically to reflect the real-time changes in the sales data.

Files contained in the Real-Time sample:



All OLAP Services sample files are contained in a single, self-extracting executable zip file.

Click here to download the Real-Time sample.

Once this process is complete, review the readme.txt file that is included in the sample. This file provides instructions and prerequisites that you will need for use with the sample. To compile the samples, use Microsoft Visual Basic® 6.0, Professional Edition or Enterprise Edition.