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Embedding the Controls in a Web Page

The HTML <OBJECT> tag is used to embed ActiveX controls in a Web page. For controls with a graphical user interface, such as the View controls, the <OBJECT> tag is inserted where you want the control to appear on your page. Controls without a user interface, such as the MediaServer control, can be inserted anywhere between the <BODY> and </BODY> tags.

The following code is an example of how to use the <OBJECT> tag to insert the MediaServer control in a Web page:

<OBJECT CLASSID = "clsid:ADB3EC9B-1820-11D1-B062-0000C040BCDB"
ID = MediaServer
CODEBASE = "nstadmin.ocx#Version=">

In the preceding example, the <OBJECT> tag has only three attributes:

Controls with user interfaces also require HEIGHT and WIDTH attributes to specify the dimensions, in pixels, of the controls.


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