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Used to create an initialized user-authentication connection object.


HRESULT CreateUserAuthentication(
INSSUserAuthentication **ppUserAuthen


[out] ppUserAuthen

Specifies the address of a pointer to the user-authentication object that has been created.

Return Values

This method must return S_OK upon successful completion, or an HRESULT error code.


The server running NetShow Theater Server calls this method each time a client connects. This user authentication object performs all authentication for this instance of the client connection.

The following sample code demonstrates a skeletal implementation of this method:

HRESULT CSampleAuthenticator::CreateUserAuthentication( 
            INSSUserAuthentication **ppCtx )
  // Create a new instance of an authentication context object.
  CUserAuthentication * pContext = new CUserAuthentication();
  if( NULL == pContext )
    return( E_OUTOFMEMORY );

  // Initialize the authentication context object.
  // For example; Use a custom function to save a pointer to the object
  // for later use.
  HRESULT hr = pContext->Initialize( this );
  if( FAILED( hr ) )
    delete pContext;
    return( hr );
  *ppCtx = ( INSSUserAuthentication * )pContext;
  return( S_OK );

See Also



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