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MediaServer Control Properties

The MediaServer control has the following properties.

Property Access Description
BlockMaxBytes Read Only Returns a Long value specifying the maximum number of bytes in a block.
BlockPlayTime Read Only Returns a Double value specifying the time, in seconds, for a NetShow Theater Server block.
Clients Read Only Returns a collection of the currently active NetShow Theater Server clients.
Cservers Read Only Returns a collection of the content servers in the NetShow Theater Server system.
Decluster Read Only Returns a Long value specifying the number of disks that participate in the distribution of backup data of a data block. This corresponds to the mirror factor.
FreeStorage Read Only Returns a Double value specifying the available amount of storage, in bytes.
Fullname Read Only Returns a String value specifying the path and name of the OCX.
IsConnected Read Only Returns a Boolean value specifying whether an object is still connected to a computer running NetShow Theater Server.
Licensed Read Only Returns a Boolean value specifying whether or not this is a demo or purchased version of the software.
Logging Read Only Returns an IMSrvLogging object for the logging configuration of the server.
MaxBandWidth Read/
Returns or sets a Double value specifying the maximum bandwidth for the current configuration, in bits per second, for a particular computer running NetShow Theater Server.
MaxClients Read/
Returns or sets a Long value specifying the maximum number of allowable concurrent streaming and striding clients that can connect to the NetShow Theater Server system.
MaxLicensedClients Read Only Returns a Long value specifying the maximum number of licensed viewers on this server.
MaxOpenTitles Read Only Returns a Long value specifying the maximum number of titles that NetShow Theater Server can concurrently stream and stride.
MaxPhysicalBandWidth Read Only Returns a Double value specifying the maximum bandwidth, in bits per second, on a given computer running NetShow Theater Server.
MaxStorage Read Only Returns a Double value specifying the total storage capacity, in bytes, of a NetShow Theater Server system.
MaxStoredTitles Read Only Returns a Long value specifying the maximum number of titles that can be stored on a NetShow Theater Server system.
MaxTitleBitRate Read Only Returns a Long value specifying the maximum bandwidth, in bits per second, of titles.
MinTitleBitRate Read Only Returns a Long value specifying the minimum bandwidth, in bits per second, of titles.
NumCServers Read Only Returns a Long value specifying the number of content servers in a NetShow Theater Server system.
NumDisks Read Only Returns a Long value specifying the number of content server disks in a NetShow Theater Server system.
NumStreamingClients Read Only Returns a Long value specifying the current number of clients that are playing content.
OpenTitles Read Only Returns a Long value specifying the number of titles that are currently open
Server Read Only Returns a String value specifying the name of the computer that is running NetShow Theater Server that is currently connected.
ServerStatus Read Only Returns the current operational status of the server, as defined in MSRVSTATUS.
Titles Read Only Returns a Titles collection, implementing the IMSrvTitles interface, of the titles on the NetShow Theater Server system.
Version Read Only Returns a String value specifying the version identifier of NetShow Theater Server.
Walkers Read Only Returns a Walkers collection, implementing the IMSrvWalkers interface, of the installed title walkers in NetShow Theater Server.


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