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Server Context Properties

Following is a list of predefined server context properties that are maintained by the server.

Property Description
NSS_SERVER_NAME A String value containing the host name of the server computer.
NSS_VIRTUAL_SERVER_NAME A String value containing the alias of the server. The value of this property is not used, and is set to Default.
NSS_SERVER_VERSION_HI The high-order 32 bits of a 64-bit integer specifying the version of the server. The most significant 16 bits of this property indicate the version. The least significant 16 bits of this property indicate the minor version.
NSS_SERVER_VERSION_LO The low-order 32 bits of a 64-bit integer specifying the version of the server. The most significant 16 bits of this property indicate the minor version. The least significant 16 bits of this property indicate the build number.


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