Theater SDK Banner 


Title.Attributes Property

Returns a Long value specifying status information for a title.



Return Values

The attributes can be one or more than one of the following values, which can be combined using the OR operator.

Disk status Bit flag Decimal value
Allocated 0x00080000 524288
Initialized 0x00100000 1048576
Invalid 0x00200000 2097152
Block Format 0x00400000 4194304
Can Stride 0x00800000 8388608
Can Seek 0x01000000 16777216


The following code evaluates each title in the collection for its initialized status. This example adds a title, without the .mpg extension, to a list box (if it is initialized), or increments an uninitialized tally (if it is not).

Dim title As IMSrvTitle
Dim name As String
MediaServer1.SetServer ("MyServer")
INITIALIZED = &h00100000
uninit = 0
For title In MediaServer1.Titles("*.mpg")
   If (title.Attributes And INITIALIZED) Then
      name = title.Name
      lstServer.AddItem Left(name, Len(name)-4)
      uninit = uninit + 1
   End If

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