What Is Thin-Client/Server Computing?

The thin-client/server computing model involves connecting thin-client software or a thin-client hardware device with the server side using a highly efficient network protocol such as Citrix’s ICA. The thin-client/server architecture enables 100 percent server-based processing, management, deployment, and support for mission-critical, productivity, Web-based, or other custom applications across any type of connection to any type of client hardware, regardless of platform. The client hardware can include Windows-based terminals, PCs, NetPCs, network computers, Apple Macintosh computers, or UNIX devices.

Applications execute 100 percent on the server.

Using the thin-client/server computing model, you won’t need to purchase or upgrade hardware just to run the latest software—instead, you’ll be able to let it comfortably evolve, leveraging your existing hardware, operating systems, software, networks, and standards. Thin-client/server computing extends the life of your computing infrastructure considerably.

Update your computing infrastructure as applications become available.