Platform SDK: Team Productivity Update

Document Conventions

The Team Productivity Update SDK uses the following document conventions:

Typographic Conventions

Convention Description
Monospace Indicates source code, sample code, or program output.
Bold Indicates an object, method, property, interface, data type, or other keyword; dialog box label or option; menu name or command; or text that must be typed exactly as shown.
MixedCase Indicates a path or file name.
Italic Indicates a placeholder, usually a function or method parameter. A placeholder represents information that must be supplied by the implementation or the user.

Topic Header Conventions

Some topics in this document contain the following header bar:

Team Productivity Update SDK

These icons appear in the header bar only if the related feature is provided in the topic.

Icon Description
The topic contains a See Also section.

To view the See Also links without scrolling to that section, click the icon.

The topic contains paragraphs that are specific to the programming language.

To view all paragraphs regardless of programming language, click the icon, and then select Show All. To view the paragraphs for one language only, click the icon, and then select C++ or Visual Basic.