Platform SDK: Team Productivity Update |
This section discusses a sample Visual C++® program that demonstrates how to call the Application Instantiation Model (AIM) to register an application with the Team Productivity Update (TPU) for BackOffice® Server 4.5.
The program takes command-line parameters and converts them to the parameters used by TeamAppManager method calls. Once the program has the parameters, it uses SWITCH and CASE statements to allow the user to select calls to one of the three available TeamAppManager methods.
The complete code for this application is available on the Team Productivity Update CD. It is located in the folder TPTK\Common\Aim\TeamAppMgrLibSample\vc\I386. This folder also contains the tptk.tlb files that the dummyinstl.cpp file includes.
The following topics demonstrate how to call the TeamAppManager methods and how to gather required parameters from the command line.