Platform SDK: Team Productivity Update

Creating an Instance of the Expense Report Application

After the setup process completes and the application is registered with the Team Productivity Update, you can configure and create an instance of the Expense Report application within a Team Workspace.

The setup process for this AIM application installs the initial files and registers the application. However, there are two additional steps you need to perform to run the application in a Team Workspace: The application must be configured, and an instance of the application must be created.

The Active Server Pages (ASP) script contained in the Configure URL (urlConfigure.asp) and the Deploy URL (urlDeploy.asp) bundles the tasks needed to configure and create an instance of an application for each Team Workspace. In the case of the Expense Report application, these tasks include configuring Internet Information Server 4.0, creating virtual and physical directories, creating a SQL Server™ database, and updating a connection to the database.

The topics in Configuring the Application describe the tasks the Configure URL performs. The topics in Creating an Instance of the Application describe the tasks the Deploy URL performs. Both the Configure URL and the Deploy URL are called from the Publish URL. While the script presented in these topics is specific to the Expense Report application, it is likely that a similar application will require similar tasks.