
The following table shows the properties the Field object supports.

ActualSize Indicates the actual length, in bytes, of a field’s value.
Attributes Returns a value that indicates one or more characteristics of a Field object. This property is read-only.
DefinedSize Used to determine the data capacity of a Field object. It returns the defined size, in characters, of the field. Compare with ActualSize, which returns the size in bytes.
Name Returns the name of a field. This property is read-only.
Type Indicates the data type of a Field object. The Type property is read-only.
UnderlyingValue Indicates a Field object’s current value in the database.
Value (default) Indicates a Field object’s current value in the recordset.


The Field object has no methods or events. With the exception of Value, all the properties are read-only.

The following code example shows how to use a Field object.

Dim rs, f
Set rs = CreateObject("adoce.recordset") "MSysTables"
Set f = rs.Fields(0)
Msgbox f.Value, ,f.Name