Using the Application Install Wizard

The Application Install Wizard guides you through the creation and distribution of setup programs for your Visual Basic for Windows CE applications. In addition to creating a setup program, the wizard creates cabinet files, known as .cab files, for your application. A .cab file contains the .ocx file, which contains the ActiveX controls used in your application, the .inf file, which includes information on how those ActiveX controls should be installed, and other dependent files used in your application.

    To create a setup program

  1. Choose Application Install Wizard on the Windows CE menu, and then choose Next.
  2. Type the name of the .vb file for which you want to create an setup program. Enter the full path for the file, including the drive name. The toolkit saves your .vb file in the location specified by the Local Path field on the Project Properties General tab. Choose Next.
  3. Enter the name of the directory where you want your output files created. Include the drive name in your path. Choose Next.
  4. Select the processors you would like to support. You must select at least one processor. Choose Next.
  5. Select any additional ActiveX controls you want to install. If a processor selected in Step 4 does not support a chosen ActiveX control, the control will not appear on the list. Choose Next.
  6. Choose the Add button to specify any additional data files you want to include with your application.

    Once you select a file, the wizard asks if the file is a system file. The wizard installs all system files in the \Windows directory and all other files in your application’s directory.

  7. Choose Include Device Runtime in Cab file to install the following device run-time files and then choose Next.
  8. Enter your application’s default directory, name, description, and your company name in the wizard dialog box. Each textbox must contain data. The company name and application name are combined and used for file names later in the setup process. They must be valid Windows file names, such as MyCompany MyApplication. Choose Next.
  9. Choose Create Install to create your application, and choose Finish when the process indicator shows that installation is complete.