CommandButton Control

This control is used to begin, interrupt, or end a process. Choosing the CommandButton executes the command that has been written into its Click event procedure.



The CommandButton control supports the following properties:

Appearance FontItalic Parent
BackColor FontStrikethru Style
Cancel FontUnderline TabIndex
Caption FontName TabStop
Container FontSize Tag
Default Height Top
Enabled HWnd Value
Font Left Visible
FontBold Name Width

The CommandButton control supports the following methods:

The CommandButton control supports the following events:

Click LostFocus
GotFocus MouseDown
KeyDown MouseMove
KeyPress MouseUp


Set the CommandButton control's Caption property to display text on the button.

A user can choose a CommandButton by selecting it with a mouse device. To enable the user to choose a CommandButton by pressing ENTER, set the Default property to True. To enable the user to choose the button by pressing ESC, set the Cancel property of the CommandButton to True.