Timer Control

This control runs code at regular intervals by initiating a Timer event. The Timer control, invisible to the user, is useful for background processing.



The Timer control supports the following properties:

The Timer control supports the following event:


Each Timer control has an Interval property that specifies the number of milliseconds that pass between one timer event to the next. Unless it is disabled, a timer continues to receive a Timer event at roughly equal intervals of time. An interval can range from 0 through 64,767, which means that the longest interval cannot be longer than 64.767 seconds.

The system generates 18 clock ticks per second—so while the Interval property is measured in milliseconds, the true precision of an interval is no more than one-eighteenth of a second.

If you want the timer to start as soon as the form loads, set the Enabled property to True. The Enabled property for the timer is different from the Enabled property for other objects. With most objects, the Enabled property determines whether the object can respond to an event caused by the user. With the Timer control, setting Enabled to False suspends timer operation.