The gray margin in a code window displays colored status indicators. In some cases, the code itself is colored. The following table shows the color indicators used during debugging to give the status of a line of code.
Color |
Description |
Red code with a red dot | Indicates a breakpoint. You can set several breakpoints in the code. |
Green code | Indicates the current execution point at a line with a breakpoint. |
Green arrow | Indicates a nested procedure call. |
Yellow arrow | Indicates the current execution point. |
To set a breakpoint at a line of code, click once in the gray margin area beside the line where you want the debugger to stop. You also can use the keyboard to set a breakpoint by positioning the cursor at the appropriate line and pressing the F9 key, or you can toggle the Breakpoint icon on the debugger toolbar. When you set a breakpoint, the line of code turns red and the debugger displays a red dot in the margin to the left of the line of code. In addition, while at a breakpoint you can pause the mouse pointer on a variable name to see a tooltip containing the value of the variable.
Although the debugger is designed to step through code line by line, you can set a breakpoint on a line that has multiple statements. To set a breakpoint within code that contains multiple statements on one line, such as X=A : Y=B, place the cursor on the second statement and press the F9 key.