This function determines the position of the first occurrence of one string within another string.
InStr([start], string1, string2, [compare])
Constant |
Value |
Description |
vbBinaryCompare | 0 | Perform a binary comparison. |
vbTextCompare | 1 | Perform a textual comparison. |
vbDatabaseCompare | 2 | Not supported. |
The following table shows return values for the Instr function.
If |
InStr returns |
string1 is zero-length | 0 |
string1 is Null | Null |
string2 is zero-length | Start |
string2 is Null | Null |
string2 is not found | 0 |
string2 is found within string1 | Position at which match is found |
Start > Len(string2) | 0 |
There is an alternate form of the Instr function, InStrB, that you can use with byte data contained in a string. Instead of returning the character position of the first occurrence of one string within another, InStrB returns the byte position.