This function displays a message in a dialog box, waits for a user to choose a button, and returns a value indicating which button the user clicked.
MsgBox(prompt, [buttons], [title], [helpfile, context])
Constant |
Value |
Description |
vbOKOnly | 0 | Display OK button only. |
vbOKCancel | 1 | Display OK and Cancel buttons. |
vbAbortRetryIgnore | 2 | Display Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons. |
vbYesNoCancel | 3 | Display Yes, No, and Cancel buttons. |
vbYesNo | 4 | Display Yes and No buttons. |
vbRetryCancel | 5 | Display Retry and Cancel buttons. |
vbCritical | 16 | Display Critical Message icon. |
vbQuestion | 32 | Display Warning Query icon. |
vbExclamation | 48 | Display Warning Message icon. |
vbInformation | 64 | Display Information Message icon. |
vbDefaultButton1 | 0 | First button is default. |
vbDefaultButton2 | 256 | Second button is default. |
vbDefaultButton3 | 512 | Third button is default. |
vbDefaultButton4 | 768 | Fourth button is default. |
vbApplicationModal | 0 | Application modal; a user must respond to the message box before continuing work in the current application. This is the default. |
vbSystemModal | 4096 | System modal; all applications are suspended until a user responds to the message box. This setting is not supported. |
The first group of values (from 0 through 5) describes the number and type of buttons displayed in the dialog box; the second group (16, 32, 48, 64) describes the icon style; the third group (0, 256, 512, 768) determines which button is the default; and the fourth group (0, 4, 096) determines the modality of the message box. When adding numbers to create a final value for the parameter buttons, use only one number from each group.
The following table shows the return values for the MsgBox function.
Constant |
Value |
Button |
vbOK | 1 | OK |
vbCancel | 2 | Cancel |
vbAbort | 3 | Abort |
vbRetry | 4 | Retry |
vbIgnore | 5 | Ignore |
vbYes | 6 | Yes |
vbNo | 7 | No |
If the dialog box displays a Cancel button, pressing the ESC key has the same effect as choosing Cancel.