File Menu

The File menu in the toolkit is similar to the File menu in Visual Basic 6.0. Both contain commands to manage project files. In the toolkit, however, support for project groups has been removed. If you want to work on multiple projects simultaneously, you must run each Windows CE-based project in a separate instance of Visual Basic 6.0.

The following table shows the File menu commands contained in the toolkit.

New Project Displays the New Project dialog box.
Open Project Closes the current project or group project, if one is loaded, and opens an existing project or group of projects.
Save Project Saves the current project and all its components.
Save Project As Displays the Save Project As dialog box if this is the first time the project is being saved.
Save … Saves the selected project files.
Save … As Displays the Save File As dialog box.
Print Prints forms and code to the default printer.
Print Setup Displays the standard Print Setup dialog box.
Make Project Opens the Make Project dialog box so you can compile a project and build a .vb file.

To create a new project, choose the New Project command from the File menu. To open an existing project, choose the Open Project command from the File menu. Whether you open a new or existing Windows CE-based project, Visual Basic automatically detects the project type and loads the toolkit IDE.