View Menu

The View menu, which displays toolbars and windows within the IDE, is similar to the View menu in Visual Basic 6.0. However, support for viewing debugging windows has been removed because the debugger for Windows CE runs as a separate application; it is not part of the IDE.

The following table shows the View menu commands contained in the toolkit.

Code Displays or activates the Code window for a currently selected object.
Object Displays the active item.
Definition Displays the location in the Code window where the variable or procedure under the pointer is defined.
Last Position Navigates to a previous location in your code.
Object Browser Displays the Object Browser, which lists the object libraries, the type libraries, classes, methods, properties, events, and constants you can use in code, as well as the modules and procedures you defined for your project.
Project Explorer Displays the Project Explorer, which provides a hierarchical list of currently open projects and their contents.
Properties Window Displays the Properties window, which lists the design-time properties for a selected form, control, class, user control, property page, user document, or menu.
Form Layout Window Displays the Form Layout window, where you can preview and position your form as it will appear in your application.
Property Pages Displays the property pages for a user control.
Toolbox Displays the standard intrinsic controls plus any ActiveX controls you have added to your project.
Data View Window Opens the Data View window so you can create data links or environments.
Color Palette Displays or activates the Color palette, which enables you to change a form or control’s colors and set up a custom color scheme.
Toolbars Lists the toolbars that are built into the application and the Customize command so you can toggle toolbars on and off.
Visual Component Manager Starts the Visual Component Manager, which organizes and inserts components into a project.