Format Menu

The Format menu provides commands that enable you to arrange controls on a form. The Format menu in the toolkit includes the Reset Form Dimensions command, which resizes a form based on default form dimension settings. The default dimensions of a new form are determined in the Project Properties dialog box.

The following table shows the Format menu commands contained in the toolkit.

Align Aligns selected objects with each other using the last selected object as the reference.
Make Same Size Makes two or more objects the same size as the last object selected.
Size to Grid Adjusts the height and width of the selected object to fit the nearest gridline in the form.
Horizontal Spacing Changes the horizontal spacing between selected objects.
Vertical Spacing Changes the vertical spacing between selected objects, based on the object with the focus.
Center in Form Centers selected objects on the center axis of the form.
Order Changes the order of the objects on a form.
Lock Controls Locks all controls on a form in their current position.
Reset Form Dimensions Resizes the form based on default form dimension settings.