
This property returns and sets the starting or ending row for a range of selected cells.


object.RowSel [= value]


Object expression that evaluates to a Grid control.
Long. Numeric expression that specifies the starting or ending row for a range of selected cells.


The RowSel property is unavailable at design time.

You can use this property to select a specific region of the Grid control from code or to read into code the dimensions of an area that a user selects.

The Grid cursor is the cell at Row, Col. The Grid selection is the region between rows Row and RowSel and columns Col and ColSel. RowSel may be above or below Row.

Whenever you set the Row property, RowSel automatically resets so the cursor becomes the current selection. If you want to select a block of cells from code, you must set the Row property first, then set RowSel.