Style (TabStrip)

This property returns and sets the appearance—tabs or buttons—of a TabStrip control.


object.Style [= value]


Object expression that evaluates to a TabStrip control.
Constant or integer that determines the appearance of a dialog box with tabs. Following are the settings for value:
0 (default)
Tabs. The tabs appear as notebook tabs, and a three-dimensional border surrounds the internal area.
Buttons. The tabs appear as regular push buttons, and the internal area has no border.


At design time, select the Style property you want—tabs or buttons—from the Style list on the General tab of the Properties Page of the TabStrip control.

The following code example shows how to set the Style property at run time.

' Style property set to the Tabs style.
   TabStrip1.Style = 0 ' tabTabs
' Style property set to the Buttons style.
   TabStrip1.Style = 1 ' tabButtons