This property returns the width of the internal area, or display area, of the TabStrip control.
The ClientWidth property is read-only at run time. It is unavailable at design time.
At run time, ClientWidth automatically stores the width of the TabStrip control's internal area, which is shared by all Tab objects in the control. To ensure that the controls associated with a specific Tab appear when that Tab object is selected, place the Tab object's controls inside a container, create several Frame controls, move them over the tabstrip client area, and make them visible when the corresponding tab is selected.
All client-coordinate properties use the scale mode of the parent form. The following code example shows how to place a Frame control so that it fits perfectly in the internal area.
Frame1.Left = TabStrip1.ClientLeft
Frame1.Top = TabStrip1.ClientTop
Frame1.Width = TabStrip1.ClientWidth
Frame1.Height = TabStrip1.ClientHeight
To create the effect of placing a new tab and its associated container on top when the tab is selected, complete the following tasks: