This statement uses a subset of the fields in the database to build the recordset.
SELECT [tablename.]fieldname [,[tablename.]fieldname ...] FROM tablename
Use this statement to build result sets that contain only the fields you want. Field names can be repeated or omitted. There are performance benefits to excluding field names — especially if only a few columns are needed from a table with a large number of fields, or if one of the unnecessary fields contains a large amount of data, such as a long string or varbinary data.
Field references must be comma separated per standard SQL.
Dim rs
Set rs = CreateObject("adoce.recordset") "select tablename from msystables where tablename like 'msys%'"
MsgBox rs.RecordCount,,"records"
Msgbox rs.Fields.Count,,"fields"
Msgbox rs.Fields(0).Name
Set rs = Nothing