The ImageList control is an ActiveX control that provides bitmap images to other controls. The ImageList control stores the images in a collection with a fixed height and width. The ImageList has the following methods: Add, Remove, RemoveAll, Replace, and Reset.
To add an image to an ImageList control, call the Add method with the name of the image file. By default, the first image you add to the ImageList determines the height and width of the rest of the images. However, you can set the fixed image size by setting the ImageHeight and ImageWidth properties before you load any images into the control. After the image size has been set, all images you add to the control are stretched to fit the control. You cannot change the image size until you reset the control using the Reset method.
The Add method generally adds one image to the ImageList because you can specify only one file name. However, you can add multiple images to an ImageList with one Add method if the bitmap you add is the same height as ImageHeight and the width is a multiple of ImageWidth. In this case, the image will be cut into smaller images with a width equal to ImageWidth. To create a bitmap that contains multiple images, merge the images into one bitmap with the images side by side in the new bitmap. The width and height of each merged image must be identical.
After all the images have been added to the ImageList control, you can pass the value of the hImageList property to a CommandBar, TabStrip, ListView, or TreeView control; once you pass the value, the control can use the images in the ImageList.