Visual Basic Concepts

Coding SQL Statements

The SQL property contains the structured query language statement that determines how rows are selected, grouped, and ordered when you execute a query. You can use a query to select rows to include an rdoResultset object. You can also define action queries to modify data without returning rows.

You cannot provide a table name at design time for the SQL property of the RemoteData control — as you can when using DAO. However, you can either use a simple query like SELECT * FROM <table>, or at run time populate the rdoTables collection and use one of the table names returned in the collection. The rdoTables collection is populated as soon as it is associated with an active connection and referenced.

Your query's SQL syntax must conform to the SQL dialect as defined by the data source query processor. The SQL dialect supported by the ODBC interface is defined by the X/Open standard. Generally, a driver scans an SQL statement looking for specific escape sequences that are used to identify nonstandard operands like timestamp, literals, and functions.

When you need to return rows from a query, you generally provide a SELECT statement in the SQL property. The SELECT statement specifies:

Each SQL dialect supports different syntax and different ancillary clauses. See the documentation provided with your remote server for more details.

For More Information   See "Creating RDO Parameter Queries."