Visual Basic Concepts

DHTML and Visual Basic Data Access

See Also

Using Visual Basic 6.0, you can now create data sources and data consumers, and all of the objects you create can be used as part of an intranet or Internet solution. For example, using the ADO Recordset object with a data-aware class, you can create a data control that can be distributed as part of a web page created with the DHMTL Page Designer or the WebClass Designer.

IIS Applications and DHTML Applications

Both client- (DHTML) and server-based Internet applications (IIS) can interact with all Visual Basic data features. On the server side, you can use a webclass to open database connections in response to an HTTP request, retrieve recordsets, and return them to the user. On the client side, you can create HTML elements on a page and bind them to data sources.

For details about using databases with IIS applications, see Using Databases with Webclasses. For information about creating a DHTML application that accesses data, see Creating a DHTML Application that Interacts with SQL Server Data.