Visual Basic Concepts
A designer is a base on which you create your visual interface. You can think of it in the extensibility model as an empty socket which you can plug in different designer types.
From its beginnings, Visual Basic used one kind of designer. Now, however, Visual Basic can host other kinds, including UserDocuments and UserControls that allow you to create ActiveX documents and ActiveX controls that can be used not only in Visual Basic, but in Microsoft Office applications such as Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel.
The following code fragments demonstrate how to reference the VBForms object, as well as other extensibility objects:
' Add controls to form. Type of controls to add is
' based on the type of control selected in ComboBox.
Private Sub cmdAddControl_Click()
Dim c As VBComponent
Dim p As VBProject
Dim vbc As VBControl
Dim vbc2 As VBControl
Dim vbf As VBForm
Dim sc As String
Dim sp As String
Dim svbc As String
Dim pid As String
sp = cmbProj.Text
sc = cmbComp.Text
svbc = cmbControls.Text
If sp <> "" And sc <> "" And svbc <> "" Then
Set p = vbi.VBProjects.Item(sp)
Set c = p.VBComponents.Item(sc)
If c.Type = vbext_ct_VBForm Then
Set vbf = c.Designer
Set vbc = vbf.VBControls.Item(svbc)
pid = vbc.ProgId
Set vbc2 = vbf.VBControls.Add(pid)
End If
End If
End Sub
' Refresh the list of controls on a form. Sub is called
' from event handler in the main object when controls
' are added.
Public Sub RefreshControls()
Dim c As VBComponent
Dim p As VBProject
Dim vbc As VBControl
Dim vbf As VBForm
Dim sc As String
Dim sp As String
Dim tempIndex As Long
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
If cmbControls.ListCount > 0 Then
tempIndex = cmbControls.ListIndex
' Temp index to restore prior selection
End If
sp = cmbProj.Text
sc = cmbComp.Text
If sc <> "" And sp <> "" Then
Set p = vbi.VBProjects.Item(sp)
Set c = p.VBComponents.Item(sc)
If c.Type = vbext_ct_VBForm Then
Set vbf = c.Designer
For Each vbc In vbf.VBControls
cmbControls.AddItem _
Next vbc
cmbControls.Text = "No Form Selected"
End If
' Restore the prior selection.
If cmbControls.ListCount > 0 Then
If tempIndex <= cmbControls. _
ListCount - 1 Then
cmbControls.ListIndex = tempIndex
cmbControls.ListIndex = 0
End If
End If
End If
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
End Sub
' Remove control from form
Private Sub cmdRemoveControl_Click()
Dim c As VBComponent
Dim p As VBProject
Dim vbc As VBControl
Dim vbf As VBForm
Dim sc As String
Dim sp As String
Dim svbc As String
sp = cmbProj.Text
sc = cmbComp.Text
svbc = cmbControls.Text
If sp = "" Or sc = "" Or svbc = "" Then Exit Sub
Set p = vbi.VBProjects.Item(sp)
Set c = p.VBComponents.Item(sc)
If c.Type = vbext_ct_VBForm Then
Set vbf = c.Designer
Set vbc = vbf.VBControls.Item(svbc)
vbf.VBControls.Remove vbc
End If
End Sub