Visual Basic Concepts

Displaying an Outline with Headings using the Hierarchical FlexGrid

In this scenario you can use the Hierarchical FlexGrid to create an outline-style display with heading items that you can collapse or expand.

To create this data display

  1. Set the properties of the Hierarchical FlexGrid.

  2. Create the data.

  3. Add collapse and expand functionality.

To complete the scenario, follow the procedures in this section in the order shown.

Setting the Properties of the Control

Set four column headings using the FormatString property. Set the first column as narrow and empty (like a spreadsheet) and the other three to contain data (include the spacing between each heading). In addition, set the following:

MSHFlexGrid control

Property Setting
Name Fg3
Cols 4
Rows 2
Selection Mode 1 – By Row
FillStyle 1 – Repeat
FocusRect 0 – None
GridLines 0 – None
GridLinesFixed 2 – Inset
FormatString ^ |Description |>Date |>Amount
FontName Arial

Creating an Outline Display with Headings

Use the following procedure to complete the scenario of creating an outline display with headings using the Hierarchical FlexGrid.

To create an outline display with headings

  1. Create the sample data, and set the headings, column, and row properties. To do this, insert the following code into the Form_Load event of the Code Editor window. This creates sample data, sets up and calculates the headings at the top of the control, and sets the Col and Row properties to select the first cell at run time.
    Sub Form_Load ()
       Dim i As Integer, tot As Integer
       Dim t As String, s As String
       ' Create sample data.
       t = Chr(9)
       Fg3.Rows = 1
       Fg3.AddItem "*" + t + "Airfare"
       s = "" +t+ "SFO-JFK" +t+ "9-Apr-95" +t+ "750.00"
       For i = 0 to 5
          Fg3.AddItem s
       Fg3.AddItem "*" + t + "Meals"
       s = "" +t+ "Flint's BBQ" +t+ "25-Apr-95" _
       +t+ "35.00"
       For i = 0 to 5
          Fg3.AddItem s
       Fg3.AddItem "*" +t+ "Hotel"
       s = "" +t+ "Center Plaza" +t+ "25-Apr-95" _
       +t+ "817.00"
       For i = 0 to 5
          Fg3.AddItem s
       ' Add up totals and format heading entries.
       For i = Fg3.Rows - 1 To 0 Step -1
          If Fg3.TextArray(i * Fg3.Cols) = "" Then
             tot = tot + Val(Fg3.TextArray _
             (i * Fg3.Cols + 3))
             Fg3.Row = i
             Fg3.Col = 0
             Fg3.ColSel = Fg3.Cols - 1
             Fg3.CellBackColor = &HC0C0C0
             Fg3.CellFontBold = True
             Fg3.CellFontWidth = 8
             Fg3.TextArray(i * Fg3.Cols + 3) = _
             Format(tot, "0")
             tot = 0
          End If
       Fg3.ColSel = Fg3.Cols - 1
       ' Format Grid
       Fg3.ColWidth(0) = 300
       Fg3.ColWidth(1) = 1500
       Fg3.ColWidth(2) = 1000
       Fg3.ColWidth(3) = 1000
    End Sub

    At run time, the rows are sorted into three divisions, grouped by their respective headings: Air Fare, Meals, and Hotels, as shown in the following figure:

  2. Add collapse and expand functionality to the row headings by inserting the following code in the DblClick event procedure of the Hierarchical FlexGrid:
    Sub Fg3_DblClick ()
       Dim i As Integer, r As Integer
       ' Ignore top row.
       r = Fg3.MouseRow
       If r < 1 Then Exit Sub
       ' Find field to collapse or expand.
       While r > 0 And Fg3.TextArray(r * Fg3.Cols) = ""
          r = r - 1
       ' Show collapsed/expanded symbol on first column.
       If Fg3.TextArray(r * Fg3.Cols) = "*" Then
          Fg3.TextArray(r * Fg3.Cols) = "+"
          Fg3.TextArray(r * Fg3.Cols) = "*"
       End If
       ' Expand items under current heading.
       r = r + 1
       If Fg3.RowHeight(r) = 0 Then
          Do While Fg3.TextArray(r * Fg3.Cols) = ""
             Fg3.RowHeight(r) = -1 ' Default row height.
             r = r + 1
             If r >= Fg3.Rows Then Exit Do
       ' Collapse items under current heading.
          Do While Fg3.TextArray(r * Fg3.Cols) = ""
             Fg3.RowHeight(r) = 0   ' Hide row.
             r = r + 1
             If r >= Fg3.Rows Then Exit Do
       End If
    End Sub

    Once all the steps in this scenario are complete, you can expand and collapse the row headings by double clicking on the "+" or "*" symbols in the first column at run time, as shown in the following figure:

    Note   You can modify this example to show images instead of the "+" and "*" characters, or to add additional levels to the outline.