Visual Basic Concepts
The following code demonstrates a query that can be used to drive a subsequent "optimistic batch update" operation. In this case, you fetch a resultset using the ClientBatch cursor library and save the bookmarks for each row fetched. When the user chooses a row in the grid (where the rows are displayed), the code prompts the user for a new value and writes it to the resultset. The changes are not made to the data, however, until you perform the BatchUpdate method.
Private Sub BatchOpsButton_Click()
Dim rs As rdoResultset
sql = "Select * from Authors where year_born is null"
rdoEnvironment.CursorDriver = rdUseClientBatch
cnB.QueryTimeout = 45
Set rs = cnB.OpenResultset(sql, rdOpenStatic, rdConcurBatch)
rs.MoveLast: rs.MoveFirst
ReDim bms(rs.RowCount + 1) As Variant
Do Until rs.EOF
bms(i) = rs.Bookmark
i = i + 1
rdoGrid1.ShowData rs
End Sub
The following code demonstrates how to gather user input (in this case, author age), and then use this information to update the database in a batch update operation:
Private Sub rdoGrid1_Click()
Dim rs As rdoResultset
Dim NewValue As Integer
NewValue = InputBox("Enter new age -- 1900 to 1997", "Author Age", _
rs.Bookmark = bms(rdoGrid1.Row)
rs!Year_Born = NewValue
Changes = Changes + 1
i = MsgBox("Commit all " & Changes & " changes?", vbYesNoCancel)
Select Case i
Case vbYes
Changes = 0
Case vbNo
Exit Sub
Case vbCancel
Changes = 0
i = MsgBox("Cancel just this change (Yes) or all " & Changes & _
" made so far (No)?", vbYesNo)
If i = vbYes Then
rs.CancelBatch (True)
End If
End Select
End Sub
In this batch operation, note that the routine used to change the chosen row in the R/W resultset doesn't require starting an "Edit" session. To achieve the same effect as the previous RDO example, simply change the contents of a field and use the Update method to make the changes to the database.
Private Sub BatchOpsButton_Click()
sql = "Select * from Authors where year_born is null"
rs.Open sql, cnB, adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimistic
rs.MoveLast: rs.MoveFirst
ReDim bms(rs.RecordCount + 1) As Variant
Do Until rs.EOF
bms(i) = rs.Bookmark
i = i + 1
ADOGrid1.ShowData rs
End Sub
Private Sub ADOGrid1_Click()
Dim NewValue As Integer
NewValue = InputBox("Enter new age -- 1900 to 1997", "Author Age", _
rs.Bookmark = bms(ADOGrid1.Row)
rs!Year_Born = NewValue
Changes = Changes + 1
i = MsgBox("Commit all " & Changes & " changes?", vbYesNoCancel)
Select Case i
Case vbYes
Changes = 0
Case vbNo
Exit Sub
Case vbCancel
Changes = 0
i = MsgBox("Cancel just this change (Yes) or all " & Changes & _
" made so far (No)?", vbYesNo)
If i = vbYes Then
rs.CancelBatch (True)
End If
End Select
End Sub
Note In ADO2, you can use a batch filter to see rows that conflicted with an update rather than iterating through an array of conflicted rows, as was required in RDO2.