Visual Basic Concepts

Specifying Remote Server Components in the Setup.lst File

See Also

If you use remote server components in your applications, you must place an entry in the Setup1 Files section marking a file as a remote server component and specifying connection information. This information is used by the Client Registration utility to register the Remote Automation server.

The following example shows how you specify remote server components:

File1=@LotsAControls.vbr,$(WinSysPath),$(Remote),,1/26/98 3:43:48 PM,1024,
File2=@Server2.vbr,$(WinSysPath),$(Remote),,1/23/98 9:43:40 AM,1024,

The Remotex entry consists of the server address, network protocol, and authentication information, separated by commas. You must also specify whether the component is to be used in a Remote Automation or DCOM environment using the RA or DCOM arguments.