Visual Basic Concepts

Working with Tables in the Page Designer

See Also

You can easily create tables when designing an HTML page from scratch or working with an existing page. The designer toolbar provides options that allow you to easily insert a table of the size and shape you need. In addition, you can add, delete, and manipulate the rows, columns, and cells in existing tables.

You can use the Show Borders icon in the toolbar to display or hide the borders of a table for which the Border property is set to zero. When a tables Border property is zero, no borders appear in the designer, and the table will be borderless when displayed in the browser for the end user. You can use the Show Borders icon to temporarily view the borders in the designer, making it easier to manipulate the table.

Note   Table borders only appear for cells that contain text. You can make borders appear for an empty cell by placing a <BR> HTML tag in that cell. See "HTML Tips and Tricks for DHTML Applications" for more information on table borders.

To add a table

To add a row or column to the table

To delete a row or column from the table

To add table cells

To delete table cells