Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition
DriveExists Method
 Scripting Run-Time Reference 
Version 3 

See Also                  Applies To

Returns True if the specified drive exists; False if it does not.

The DriveExists method syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object Required. Always the name of a FileSystemObject.
drivespec Required. A drive letter or a complete path specification.

For drives with removable media, the DriveExists method returns True even if there are no media present. Use the IsReady property of the Drive object to determine if a drive is ready.

The following example illustrates use of the DriveExists method:

Function ReportDriveStatus(drv)
  Dim fso, msg
  Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  If fso.DriveExists(drv) Then
    msg = ("Drive " & UCase(drv) & " exists.")
    msg = ("Drive " & UCase(drv) & " doesn't exist.")
  End If
  ReportDriveStatus = msg
End Function