Platform Manager and Platform Builder

You can use the Platform Manager to connect to a device that uses a custom platform created by the Microsoft® Windows® CE Platform Builder Version 2.11. The Platform Builder enables original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to design their own Windows CE-based platforms for embedded devices.

In order to use the Platform Manager to connect to devices using platforms created by the Platform Builder, you need to install the SDK exported from the Platform Builder onto your desktop computer.

    To connect to a device that uses a custom Windows CE-based platform

  1. Launch Remnet.exe from the device.
  2. Choose Configure Platform Manager from the Visual Studio Tools menu.
  3. Choose the MyPlatform platform in the Windows CE Platform Manager Configuration dialog box, where MyPlatform is the platform exported by Platform Builder. Choose the Properties button.
  4. Select PPP Transport for Windows CE from the list of transport components. Choose the Advanced button.
  5. Select Manual Server from the list of server components, then choose OK.
  6. Select PPP Transport for Windows CE from the list of transport components and choose Test. The Manual Server Action dialog box appears.
  7. On the device, launch Cemgrc.exe with the /TLName and /TLData parameters. Use the appropriate values from the Manual Server Action dialog box for TLName and TLData.
  8. Exit the Platform Manager and build your application.
  9. When the Manual Server-Action dialog box appears, launch Cemgrc.exe with the T:tlppp.dll and the /TLData parameters. Use the appropriate value from the Manual Server Action dialog box for TLData.