Using the WCE MFC ClassWizard

The WCE MFC ClassWizard works with applications that use MFC for Windows CE. You can use the WCE MFC ClassWizard to define message handlers, override virtual functions, and add properties, methods, and events to Automation objects.

    To start the WCE MFC ClassWizard

  1. Choose an MFC for Windows CE project.
  2. Choose ClassWizard on the Visual Studio View menu.
  3. Choose the AddClass button on the ClassWizard dialog box to add a new MFC class.

In the ClassWizard dialog box, you can choose tabs to view information about any of the following properties of your project:

The following list shows the MFC for Windows CE classes that you can view with ClassWizard.

CAsyncSocket CprogressCtrl
CButton CPropertyPage
CCeSocket CPropertySheet
CCmdTarget CScrollBar
CColorDialog CScrollView
CComboBox CSliderCtrl
CDialog CSocket
CDocument CSpinButtonCtrl
CEdit CStatic
CEditView CStatusBarCtrl
CFileDialog CTabCtrl
CFormView CToolBarCtrl
CFrameWnd CTreeCtrl
CHeaderCtrl CTreeView
CListBox CView
CListCtrl CWinThread
CListView CWnd
CPrintDialog CSplitterWnd