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Once you have defined a message handler, you can use ClassView, WizardBar, or ClassWizard to delete it. If you use ClassWizard, you must manually remove the function definition, as well as any references to the function, from the implementation file. ClassWizard deletes the declaration, but does not make changes to your implementation code — only to the message and data maps.
Note ClassWizard is unable to delete message handlers for ATL objects. Use ClassView or the WizardBar instead.
With ClassView and WizardBar, deleting a message-handling function is the same as deleting any other member function. ClassView and WizardBar delete the function declaration, removes any associated map entry from the MSG, MESSAGE or DISPATCH map, and comment out the function body, or definition, so that you can easily delete it if you wish.
Caution There is no UNDO facility for the deleted function declaration.
Use ClassWizard to delete a message handling function
Use WizardBar or ClassView to delete a member function
To use ClassWizard to delete a message-handling function